Chapter 8 - Do You Feel Me

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Rough branches pelted me in the face as I ran at full speed through the Mirkwood with Tauriel and the king.

Our guards had been attacked by warg wolves. I feared what we might find when we reached them.

And I was not wrong to be afraid.

Three guards, including Gurdis, lay bleeding upon the ground.

I assessed, quickly, whose wounds were most dire, then ran to my student Healer, who I could see had lost much blood already.

"Tauriel, help Nerion, if you can."

She rushed to the second most wounded elf, and King Thranduil watched with a look of frustrated concern as we leaned over his soldiers.

"Oh, Gurdis," I said to the young Guard. She was frightfully wounded. Her stomach had been lashed open and I found myself pressing it back together. She gasped and sputtered for air, clearly in agony.

I prayed over her with such intensity that I became dizzy with the effort of it. Her wounds were as grave as a wound could be and it took such effort to try and capture enough grace to give her any chance of living.

Little by painfully little, her flesh began to join together, first internally, and then on the surface. But she was barely breathing now, and I could not tell, for certain, if she had lost too much blood to recover.

I looked over at Tauriel, my eyes drooping, and she looked every bit as drained and frightened as I was...moreso. But Nerion was sitting up, the claw marks on his chest still deep gashes, yet there was no bleeding.

I turned my eyes to the third Elven Guard and noted that King Thranduil was kneeled beside him. The Guard's face and shoulder had been badly slashed. The wounds were not likely mortal, but they were painful.

"Tauriel," I said. "Have you strength to attend Gurdis for a few moments more? I will help the last Guard.

"Yes," she said, taking my place.

I crossed to the third soldier and kneeled down beside him, opposite of the king. Then I took some cleansing cloths and wiped his wounds, applying my poultice and praying.

"Your hands tremble," said the king to me.

I did not respond, but finished giving my grace to the soldier,  whose demeanor grew at once relieved.

"Thank you, My Lady," he said.

"You are welcome."

I sat back and took a deep breath.

"Are you all right?" The king asked.

"I am all right. Gurdis is gravely injured."

"It took much from you?"

"Yes, but I will be recovered quickly. I worry for her..." But even as I said this, Gurtis began to stir. "Oh, thank the Valar."

King Thranduil's face fell and he looked upon his injured soldiers, shaking his head. "We've had no wargs here in some time. It is worsening."

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