Chapter 13 - I Am Your Kingdom

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Music for this Chapter

****Content Warning: Contains Love Scene****


I embraced my uncle tightly. "Thank you for coming to us, Uncle. I cannot tell you how grateful I am."

"My Little Star, I would not have left you in danger. But as it is," he nodded at Thranduil, "nor would Mirkwood."

Smiling at this, I turned to Lorien's Marchwarden, laying a hand upon his shoulder. "My Friend, thank you. All of you."

"My Lady, we are relieved to see you safe once more," he said.

I asked them for a second time whether they might come to Mirkwood palace, but they refused.

"We cannot," answered Celeborn. "Your Aunt means to meet with the High Counsel in Imlidris, for the threat of Sauron's treachery grows by the day. I must return to Lothlorien."

"I understand. I am sad to see you leave, but I understand."

Then Uncle Celeborn said, "We will give her one of our supply horses for riding."

At this Thranduil said, "No. She rides with me. I will hold her."

"But I should be strong enough to ride a horse, My Lord. It is a long journey to Mirkwood and you may tire," I said.

The king approached and stood before me, taking my face in both his hands.

"Firstly, Laewyn, there is no 'My Lord' or anything of the like to issue from you lips again. You will use my name freely and often, for I am yours and you are mine, and a Queen may speak as she wishes. Besides, I long to hear you speak it," he said, gazing at me with near worship. "And secondly, you will ride with me, so that you may rest as you need to...and I will not be parted from you."

"All right," I said, grinning and lowering my eyes.

The king turned my face upwards to meet his eyes. "And you do not bow," he said. "You are bowed to."

I laughed quietly. "Yes, My...Thranduil. I understand."

"Good. And for every time you find yourself ready to say, 'My Lord'... exchange the second word with love, instead," he said, then bent to kiss me in front of everyone.

His lips were soft, adoring, and I could readily tell that he held himself back tremendously. Then he pulled away, and said, "Come, Nenluin. Let us go home."

So I said goodbye to my uncle and to my Lorien soldiers, and I followed Thranduil to his horse, where he lifted me upon it, then climbed up behind me.

"I will travel more gently with her, Tauriel, so you may ride ahead," he said to her. "Scout for us, and alert Mirkwood to our return. I am sure that my Servant is worried beyond reason about your well-being."

"Yes, My Lord," Tauriel said gratefully.

"And Tauriel..."

"Yes, My Lord?"

"Well done."

She smiled, then turned her horse North and rode ahead of us.

We, too, began to ride.

I felt the press of his body to me, his legs fit to mine, and a long arm, pulling me closer. "Rest into me, Meleth Nin," he murmered in my ear. "I have you."

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