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That's how long it had been since the death of Violet Brooks' two closest friends.

Steve Rogers had sacrificed himself, taken a plane carrying bombs bound for the U.S. down into the water, and ultimately helped end the Second World War. Bucky Barnes had plummeted from a train during an attempt to capture Arnim Zola, and was honored as a hero.

Her friends were gone, but at least she still had Peggy Carter with her.

Her close friend was especially heartbroken by the loss of Steve. The two had grown very close during the war, just for her to lose him in the end.

After the war, Violet and Peggy made a promise to stick together. Whatever they were facing, they would not face it alone.

She was grateful Peggy was still in her life, and they knew together they could work things out.


New York City, 1946.

Stepping out of the door to her apartment, Violet makes her way through the busy streets of New York. Men with their identical dark suits and hats and ties crowd the sidewalk, clutching onto their briefcases. Noticing bright red in the sea of grey, Violet picks up her pace.

"Peggy!" She exclaims, pushing through the crowd to walk next to her friend, who was sporting a fancy red hat and blue dress. "I love your hat," she compliments.

Peggy smiles at her, fluffing her brown curls. "Thank you. Thought I would try something new today."

The two women in their bright outfits— Peggy in her blue and red, Violet in a maroon colored dress— stood out against everyone else, which is how they preferred it. It was the only way they would be noticed, after all.

The women walked towards the New York Bell Company building, which staged as the entrance to the Strategic Scientific Reserve- the SSR, where Peggy and Violet both worked as agents. Riding an elevator up to the 4th floor, they step off into a small room where twenty or so women are busily taking phone calls. They walk to the end of the hallway, and greet a short woman with glasses and red curly hair.

"Good morning, Rose," Peggy says to her.

"Lot of hubbub today, girls. D.C. line's hot." Glancing at the women, Rose comments to Peggy; "love the hat."

"That's what I said!" Violet says as Peggy smiles. Rose then flicks a lever opening a secret door, revealing an elevator. They stepped in and rode up, and finally got to SSR headquarters. They walk to their desks in the back of a large room, where men bustled around. Rose was right, there was a lot of 'hubbub'. The agents were busily hurrying this way and that, never stopping to catch a breath.

Just as Violet and Peggy start placing their belongs onto their desks, a loud alarm blares, and red lights start flashing.

Chief Dooley steps out of his office, and walks past the women at their desks. "Agent Carter, Brooks, we just caught a redball out of D.C. All hands on deck." The Chief reminded Violet of Colonel Phillips.

Quickly grabbing their notebooks and pens, they start following Dooley- stopping in his tracks, he mumbles "meaning, cover the phones." He was a little harder to please. He didn't care that the two women had been in the war— but Violet was fine with that. It was as if they started fresh, making new impressions.

Violet looks at Peggy, shrugging. Peggy, instead, quickly picks up the phone on her desk. "Rose, forward all calls to the briefing room." She hangs up, before the Chief can object.

"Covered," Carter says, following behind Dooley, hiding a smirk. "Shall we?" She says, looking to Violet, who excitedly grabs her things.

"Yes, ma'am," she jokes, the three of them hurrying into the briefing room. It wasn't everyday they were able to sit in on a briefing.

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