miss america

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ONCE THE team landed, they quickly gathered up their parachutes. It was dark out, and they had trouble seeing.

"We're eight klicks east of the RV," Thompson told the team. "I'll take lead, Carter and Brooks in back. Stay tight."

They slung their rifles around their shoulders and trudged on through the forest, until they heard a gun cock. Everyone was alerted, raising their weapons towards the noise.

"Emu," came a hushed man's voice hidden behind trees and bushes.

Thompson kept his gun focused on the tree line. "What?" He whispered, confused.

"'Ostrich' man. 'Ostrich'," came another hidden voice.

"Shut up!" The other man's voice said. "Emu."

"Dugan forgot the password again!"

"Password is 'eagle', you apes," Peggy scoffs as Dum-Dum Dugan appeared from behind the bushes. He was wearing his trademark bowler hat. Oh, had Violet missed him and his glorious bowler hat.

"Dugan!" Violet greeted him, a smile lighting up her face. He pulled her and Peggy in for a hug."

"Hi, Peggy, Violet." He smiled widely at them, then turned to the rest of the SSR agents. "Fellas."

"Thompson, that's Dum-Dum Dugan," Li pointed out, most obviously starstruck.

Peggy introduced them all. "Jack Thompson, Mike Li, Rick Ramirez, this is 'Junior' Juniper, 'Pinky' Pinkerton, 'Happy Sam' Sawyer, you seem to know Dum-Dum Dugan. The 107th, our tactical team."

"You guys are the Howling Commandos," Ramirez marveled.

Sawyer cringed. "Yeah, I hate that name."

"I came up with that name!" Junior says, offended.

"That you did."

Li stares at Dugan with his eyes wide. "Dugan, you fought side by side with Captain America, didn't you?"

"Yeah," he replied, sighing. Dugan could go on and on about Steve and how much he admired him. In the end, he never knew the Steve before the serum. He looked to Violet and Peggy, all dressed up in their tactical gear, grins on their faces, catching up with old friends. "But not as long as they did."


Once nightfall hit, the team started up a warm fire in the middle of their makeshift camp. They would wait until dawn to continue the mission, so for now all they could do was wait.

They all sat on the ground in a circle around the fire, drinking bourbon and exchanging war stories. To Violet's surprise, even Thompson took part in the conversation. He told the group about how he got his Navy Cross— something he had never really spoken of before.

He told them how Japanese soldiers had invaded his camp one night when he had accidentally fallen asleep on night watch. He killed the soldiers before they were able to hurt anyone in the camp. He saved them all. The group got silent, listening intently to his story. It sounded violent, but in the end, that's what war was.

Violet offered a comforting look to Jack, as did the others.

After that, they all began to eat and engaged in separate conversations. Violet plopped on the ground next to Jack, as he was noticeably quieter after sharing his story with the group. "How do you like the 107th so far?" She asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

𝙑𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 in Agent CarterWhere stories live. Discover now