roxxon explodes

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PEGGY CAUTIOUSLY places the nitramene grenade into her purse. Both of the women head towards the door, but before they can pull it open, a man walks in. He looks dumbfounded at Spider Raymond passed out in his chair, and tries to step past them. Peggy swiftly grabs a stapler off of a desk, hitting him in the face, and Violet finishes him off, knocking him out cold.

"Nice work," Violet says, breathing heavy.

"You too," Peggy responds.

They rush down the stairs, passing a man on the way down, and head towards the club. Violet grabs Peggy's shoulder before she can run out.

"Wait, there's Thompson. SSR finally decided to show up," she says, nodding in his direction, accompanied by two other agents.

"I have an idea," Peggy says. "Follow my lead." She grabs Violet's hand, walking straight for the dance floor.

Noticing the men who had asked them to dance before, she walks up to them, putting on another American accent. "Fancy a dance?" She grabs one, and Violet grabs the other. They start dancing to the jazz tune being played by the band onstage.

"Uh... so glad you girls changed your mind," one says, flustered. Both Peggy and Violet keep glancing over at Thompson and the other agents, who were looking suspicious as ever. Thompson, scanning the entire room, started looking their way.

"Dip me," Peggy says to her partner. He raises an eyebrow at first, but then dips her gracefully, hiding her from the agent's view. Violet quickly turns her partner— a very tall man, in fact— so his back was to Thompson, and she was hidden behind him, out of  view. Noticing Jack walking away, Peggy and Violet swiftly exit the dance floor, and head straight out the door.

They hop into the backseat of a taxi once they are outside, exhausted. But they both knew there was more work to be done.

Peggy turns to Violet. "I'll go back to my apartment, where I can defuse the bomb. You need to get some rest. We have a lot of work ahead of us." She smiles at her friend.

Violet returns a smile, but then looks worried. "Are you sure it's safe to defuse it right in your own apartment? Your roommate is there. Maybe Stark has some sort of lab we can—"

"It's fine, Violet. I want to get it defused as soon as possible. It shouldn't take long." Violet nods. "The last thing we want to be caught doing is frolicking around in one of Stark's labs."


Walking inside of her small apartment, Violet immediately lays down on her bed, fatigued from the day's events. Unfortunately, the super-soldier serum in her body still allowed her to get tired.

She was glad that she and Peggy had already retrieved one of Howard's inventions, but knew there was a lot more than that, and ones that were far more dangerous. She closes her eyes, knowing it was very late and she probably wouldn't get much time to sleep before she had to wake up for work in the morning. Just as she started to drift off to sleep, she hears a noise outside. It is normally very noisy— it's New York, after all— but something feels different to her.

She quickly sits up, looking around the small dimly lit room. Slowly standing, she peers around the corner to where the front door was, and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Turning back around to head towards her bed, something hits her arm, and she groans in pain, seeing a thin cut near her elbow. A small kitchen knife hits the ground, and a man in a suit is standing near the window. He sprints at her, trying to hit her, but she dodges the punches, adrenaline flowing through her body.

Frustrated, he shoves her against the kitchen wall of her apartment, his forearm pressed firmly against her throat. To the right of them is the refrigerator, and Violet reaches for an empty glass bottle on top of the fridge. Gasping for air, she finally reaches it, and smashes it on the man's head. He stumbles backwards, and using all her remaining strength, she pushes him out of the third story window.

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