working overtime

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"AGENT BROOKS, phone call for you," an agent tells Violet. She nods and picks up the phone at her desk, waiting for the call to be transferred.

"Hello?" Came the quiet voice from the phone.

"Peggy? Is that you?" Violet whispered, careful to not let the few agents working tonight hear her conversation.

"It's me, Vi. I know you had to go in to work tonight. Are you there right now?"

"Yes, I'm here. What do you need?" Violet asked, ready to help.

"Jarvis and I are going to search in Howard's vault. Well, the hole that was blown in Howard's vault. I'm not sure where it will lead us or what we will find. If we do happen to come across any of his stolen technology, we'll call it in. Be ready. Oh, and don't let Krzeminski answer the phone and take credit if we do call."

"I can certainly do that. Good luck, Peg."

With that, Violet hangs up the phone, continuing to file reports that she hadn't finished.

"What are you doing here, Brooks?" Jack Thompson loomed over her desk, overseeing her work. "No ladies are supposed to be working past 8."

"I have lots of work to catch up on," she answered, not looking up from her paperwork.

"Have fun with that." Agent Thompson walks over to the desk where Sousa and Krzeminski were sitting. "I'm heading out. Make sure the Chief gets this when he gets back."

Violet watches as Thompson hands them a large file.

"You got a hit on my passports?" Krzeminski questions, mouth full of a sandwich he was eating.

"Prince Charming's name is Sasha Demidov. You might know the rest of the story."

"Let me guess," Sousa said, "he died before that battle of... wherever?"

"Finow," Thompson corrected. "Congrats, Sousa. You're the brains of the night shift. You ladies have a good night!" He puts his hat and coat on, and walks out of the office.

"You know, the passports were a gift from me!" Krzeminski shouts after him. "Least you could do is cover my shift..." Thompson shows no sign of stopping, completely ignoring Krzeminski's shouts. He lowers his voice, insulting Thompson; "you rat bastard."

"Thought you were going to ask Carter," Sousa said, biting into a sandwich Krzeminski had brought him.

"I was, I did," Krzeminski shrugged. "She acted like I was waving a sock in front of her face."

Violet laughed at his comment. No way in hell would Peggy ever agree to cover a shift for him. Violet didn't blame her.

"I'm sure you were polite and respectful as always," Sousa said.

"Of course," Krzeminski responded, taking another big bite out of his sandwich. "Brooks, you could've covered my shift. You're here anyways."

Violet looks up from her paperwork. "Why would I do that?"

"A friend helping a friend," he forced a smile at her.

"Yeah, I don't think so."


A ring from the phone on Daniel's desk startles Violet. It had been almost an hour since she got there, since Peggy had called her.

"Sousa," he answers.

Violet makes her way over to his desk. This could be the call.

𝙑𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 in Agent CarterWhere stories live. Discover now