stark returns

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"I THINK that would be a lovely way to end this day," Violet agrees as they both stand up and walk towards the back of the diner toward a glowing sign reading Pies and Pastries.

Putting a quarter into a slot and turning a nob, they both choose a piece of pie and take it from one of many small doors cases. There are a dozen flavors in the windows, and Violet has a hard time deciding, but ends up choosing classic pumpkin, while Peggy takes lemon. They head back to their booth as a soft tune plays over the speakers.

Setting their pies on the table and sliding back into the booth, they notice something odd; a note, scribbled on a napkin with pen, sitting near Peggy's spot. After Peggy takes a look at it, she carefully slides it over to Violet. Meet in the alley in 5 minutes. Exchanging worried glances, they both scan the room. Not many people are there this late in the evening; about six or seven people in total, including Angie, all going about their business.

"What should we do?" Violet whispers, considering all the possible options. They could make a run for it out the front doors, but that would cause a scene, which is the last thing she wanted.

"We go see what our mystery person wants," Peggy confidently whispers back, shoving the note in her purse.


Making their way out the back door and into the alley, they look around warily.

Suddenly, a man with an English accent speaks in the darkness. "Miss Carter? Miss Brooks?"

Peggy takes a shaky step towards the stranger. "Do I know you?"

The man stalks closer towards them, and steps into the light, his face shielded by a hat. "Oh, we haven't had the pleasure. But we may yet."

They both step closer to him, trying to get a glimpse of his face. He looks up, and his eyes meet theirs.

"You're coming with me."

All at once an engine starts down the alley and headlights flash on. Stepping in front of Peggy, Violet knocks out their attempted kidnapper with a swift punch to the face. The car's tires screech, and start heading straight for them. Peggy grabs her purse that had fallen on the ground. Violet tries the door they came out of, but it was locked, and there was no other way out of the alley, with buildings on each side. Sprinting towards the back of the alley, they run as far as they can go, until reaching another building, blocking their only way out. Now they were really trapped. Reaching into her purse and grabbing a small handgun, Peggy quickly shoots the cars' left tire, causing it to swerve right before it could hit her and Violet, and abruptly stops. Opening the drivers side door, Howard Stark himself pokes his head out.

"I know," he says as Peggy lowers her gun, and Violet gives him a death stare, "I should've called first." He grins. "Did you miss me?"


"They're calling you a traitor," Peggy says to Howard, the two of them sitting in the back of his car.

"I'm calling it a setup," Howard fires back. "I have a vault. 'Had', I should say. Sub-basement of my office... triple-thick, lead-lined. It was where I kept my bad babies."

"Bad babies?" Violet questions from the passenger seat.

"Inventions too dangerous for anyone. Even my friends." He stares out the window for a minute, looking towards the night-skyline of the city.

"Which begs the question," Peggy wonders, "why invent them at all?"

He looks back at her. "I can't help what I think of, but I can damn well control what I sell."

Violet chuckles from the front. "Yes, it seems you're controlling it very well, Howard."

"I'm trying, okay? Well, I've been trying. Until last month."

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