apartment shopping

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"AND NOW it's time for... 'The Captain America Adventure Program', brought to you by Roxxon motor oil." The announcers voice booms from the radio. "Tonight's thrilling tale takes us deep into the heart of the Ardennes Forest, where Hitler's Nazi guard have ambushed the 107th Infantry and taken Betty Carver, the battalion's beautiful triage nurse... as their hostage."

A woman's exaggerated voice follows. "You lousy krauts are in big trouble once Captain America gets here."

A man voicing the Star Spangled Man himself comes next. "When I'm through with you, Hitler, you're gonna be seeing stars... and stripes!"

Peggy, sitting at the bar in the automat, stares at the radio in annoyance.

"Angie, would you mind changing that?" Peggy asks.

"Oh, you bet," Angie replies, walking over to it and changing it to a jazz tune. "Arlene French beat me out for that part." She clears her throat. "You lousy krauts are in big trouble once Captain America gets here," she says with the same exaggerated tone as Arlene. "It's better, right?"

"Thrillingly realistic," says Peggy, staring down at what she had on the table. Angie notices they are ads in a newspaper for apartments.

"You moving?" Angie asks her.

"I lost my roommate," Peggy explains.

Angie laughs. "My first roommate, I lived with this girl from Queens. It was okay for maybe six months, and then bam! One day, she's engaged. Next day, she's married and living in Armonk."

"Gosh," Peggy exclaims, "you think you know people."

Just then Violet walks into the automat, and spots Peggy and Angie. She heads over to the bar.

"Hi Angie," she greets. "Find anything, Peg?" She glances at the newspapers scattered across the bar.

"No, not yet." Peggy turns back to Angie. "Violet is looking for a new place as well."

"Ah, well maybe I can be of service," Angie smirks, grabbing the newspaper. "'Cozy studio apartment.' That means it's a broom closet. 'Convenient to public transportation.' You'll be living under the Third Avenue el."

"And what would you suggest, Angie?" Violet wonders.

"Well, a few girls down the hall from me just moved out. Couldn't hack it, I guess. Anyway, it's over on 63rd. It's real safe, lots of great girls. Plus, I'd be your neighbor, so that's not nothing."

Violet thinks that could work, but Peggy has other ideas. "It's a lovely idea, but I'd hate for you to grow tired of me." Violet knew that wasn't what her friend meant— she just didn't want to lose anyone else close to her.

"Psh, you two wouldn't be a problem."

Peggy smiles, but looks onto the obituary page. She notices a picture of her old roommate— and friend— Colleen.

"I appreciate it, truly, but, um... Violet and I are on our way to see an apartment now."

"Uh... yeah, that's right," Violet nods a, going along with it.

"At this hour?" Angie questions. "You sure you're reading the right kind of want ads?"

"It comes recommended through a friend," Peggy tries to explain. Angie only shrugs, and walks away.

The two girls gather their things, and head outside and into the busy New York traffic.

"And which apartment will we be viewing today?" Violet asks Peggy sarcastically.

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