reunions and lies

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"DID YOU get it?" Howard asked the two women as soon as they entered Peggy's apartment that night.

They approached him slowly, no emotion on their faces.

"What's in the vial?" Peggy asked him calmly.

Howard looked stunned. "What vial?"

"My god, Howard," Violet moaned. "What is in the vial?"

"You opened it," he said, shocked. "You know how dangerous that could be?"

Peggy sighed. "What is in the vial, Howard?" She was losing her patience.

"Okay, I see you are both angry."

"It's been a great night for us, actually," Violet quipped.

"I'm not mad, just curious." Peggy stepped closer to Howard. "What is in the vial?" She repeated slowly.

"You know. We all know," he replied.

"I don't. Tell me." They were both staring straight at Howard.

He looks at them defeatedly. "Steve Rogers' blood."

Without hesitation, Peggy punched him right in the face.


"You used us. You lied to both of us—"

"You hit me!" Howard exclaims, holding an ice pack over his now black-and-blue eye.

"You don't get to use my reaction to your lies as the reason for your lies." Peggy was furious, and rightly so. As the two bickered, Violet sat on the couch, staring at the floor and trying to process it all.

"Yeah, I do. I knew how much Steve meant to you because I know how much he means to me. I was protecting you both."

"Don't pretend this is about me and my emotions," Peggy fired back. "You were out to protect you! I trusted you, Howard!"

"Yeah, I know. And I was wrong. But you have to understand, a kid like me, doesn't get to where I'm at by doing—"

"What? Wanted for treason?"

"Peggy, I shouldn't have lied to you. For that, I am truly sorry."

"Howard," Violet speaks up, "why did you have Steve's blood in the first place?"

"I was one of the lead scientists on project Rebirth. Eleven vials went to the government, one went to me. The government's almost through with their supply. If they know the SSR has mine, they'll never give it back, even if you clear my name."

"That still doesn't mean you deserve to have Steve's blood," Peggy tells him.

"I believe that that blood, Captain America's blood, holds the key to vaccines, medications, possibly even a cure for the common cold. Even your blood too, Vi, although maybe not as much..." he shakes his head, realizing he was getting off track. "Look, Steve Rogers may not still be with us, but he can still save millions of people."

Tears filled Peggy's eyes. "And how many millions of dollars are you set to make?"

She had a good point.

"What the hell do you think of me?"

"I think you're a man out for his own gain no matter who you're charging. You're a man who says 'I love you' whilst looking over a women's shoulder into the mirror. Steve Rogers dedicated his mind, his body, his life to the SSR and to this country, not to your bank account. I made the same pledge, but I'm not as good as Steve was. I forgot my pledge running around for you like a corporate spy. So thank you, Howard, for reminding me who Steve was and what I aspire to be. For all I know, you did steal your inventions."

𝙑𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 in Agent CarterWhere stories live. Discover now