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( season 3: episode 1 - a fiñata full of death bugs 

Juniper's life changed the moment she knocked over some chemicals in her dad's lab

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Juniper's life changed the moment she knocked over some chemicals in her dad's lab. Now she's a superhero, fighting alongside her best friend Henry, and Ray who's a family friend. There are a few bad things about being a superhero, the main thing in Juniper's opinion is the fact that you can't tell anyone you're identity. Not even the ones that you are closest too. Thankfully for her, the people closest to her already knew. Well, besides Jasper. 

Jasper had recently found out Henry's identity by accident and now he was going to be interviewed to work at Junk 'N Stuff. The reason why he was going to work there now is because Henry wouldn't let Ray swipe Jasper's memories. Henry thought that Jasper deserved to know about his secret identity. Juniper was a little worried for many reasons with Jasper working at Junk 'N Stuff, one was because of the fact that he doesn't know of her secret identity. 

Juniper planned on telling him when he would come to the Man Cave because there wasn't a way to hide her identity then and he deserved to know her secret identity. Juniper currently sat at the super computer with her legs up on the desk, watching Ray pace around the mancave with an amused look on her face.

"I don't know, guys." Ray shakes his head, pacing from one side of the room to the other. "I don't know."

"Come on," Henry encourages from his place on the couch. "It's gonna be great."

Ray looks at him with a glare. "That's exactly what you said when you talked me into eating one of those women's energy bars." Henry smirked, looking at him with amusement.

Juniper laughs, covering her mouth to stifle a laugh when Ray glares at her. Ray shakes his head, his lips forming into a frown. "I couldn't stop reading books about princesses."

"I'm sorry, but that was so funny." Juniper commented.

"Dude," Henry gestures to himself and Juniper. "We've known Jasper our whole lives." 

"That does not mean he's qualified to have a job here!" Ray exclaimed.

"Yeah, but he deserves to know our secret identities and I'm sure we can find something for him to help us out." Juniper added. She glanced over at the two tubes by the elevator when an alarm went off, smiling when Charlotte arrived.

"Hey, happy Saturday morning." Charlotte greeted.

Henry nods at her. "Yo."

Juniper waves at Charlotte. "Mornin', Char."

As he walks by Charlotte, Ray glares at her. "Maybe you're happy." Juniper rolled her eyes at his grumpiness and eats some of the popcorn she had got from the auto snacker. Popcorn probably isn't the best thing to eat for breakfast, but she didn't care and she was in the mood for popcorn.

Henry scoffs at Ray, standing up. He turns to look at Charlotte, who was walking over to the auto snacker. "Char, would you tell Ray that Jasper working at Junk 'N Stuff won't be a problem?"

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