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( season 3 : episode 10 - space invaders; part 2 )

Juniper isn't sure how long they had been up in space but it seemed like hours

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Juniper isn't sure how long they had been up in space but it seemed like hours. They were all getting bored of just sitting around and doing nothing. Though Juniper was still fine with looking out the window and admiring the view. She glances over at Ray when he groaned. "I'm sick of just sitting here."

"Yeah, well, Schwoz said that we should be at the space station pretty soon-"

"I wonder what these buttons do." Ray interrupted and started pressing random buttons.

Juniper sighs heavily. "I swear, you're a man child sometimes." She mumbled as she watched him.

"Wait, no, dude, what are you doing?" Henry panics. "Don't just start pressing random-" Suddenly the chair started to vibrate when Ray pressed one of the buttons.

"Schwoz has a massage chair installed?" Juniper questioned, surprised when she felt the chair start to vibrate.

"Awe, no fair!" Ray complains. "I wanna vibrate!" He went back to pressing random buttons to try to find the one that made the chair vibrate.

"It's nice." Henry admitted, dragging out the word 'nice'.

Ray finally finds the right button and grins when his chair started to vibrate. "Feels good." Henry grinned, dragging out the word 'good'. As he talked his voice had shook because the chair was vibrating. Juniper couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, my voice sounds weird! Listen." Ray then started saying 'ah' and Henry joined him, both amused with their voices.

Juniper's laughter turns into giggles. "You're both ridiculous." She teases, shaking her head. "I swear I'm surrounded by children."

Suddenly when the rocket ship started to crash onto something, they all yelp with surprise and hold onto the seats and what they could grab onto while Ray had turned off the massaging chair. "Oh, my gosh! What's happening?!" Juniper panicked, gripping onto the arm rests. Though she instinctively reached for Henry as well, her face turning red and heart skipping a beat when she felt him do the same. Juniper's heart raced as panic flooded her senses, her grip tightening on anything within reach. In the chaos, she felt Henry's hand reaching out for hers, and her heart skipped a beat as their fingers intertwined. Heat rushed to her cheeks, but in that moment of uncertainty and fear, she found comfort in his touch.

When the crashing stopped, they were all relieved they were okay. "What happened?" Juniper heard Charlotte ask through the head set.

"They just docked with the space station." Schwoz responded.

"Hey, Schwoz." Ray calls out, glancing out the window with the others. Outside the windows of the rocket ship was the space station they were traveling to. "I think we just docked with the space station." Juniper shared an annoyed look with Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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