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( season 3; episode 2 - love muffin; part two )

The gang came up with a plan to get Ray back to normal on their way back to the Man Cave

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The gang came up with a plan to get Ray back to normal on their way back to the Man Cave. They got to the Man Cave before Ray and Gwen did and hid in different places. After Gwen went to the backroom, Henry is the first to get out of his hiding place.

"So..." Henry drags out the word, walking away from his hiding place and Ray turns to look at him with raised eyebrows. "Charlotte," Henry continued.

Charlotte stands up from her hiding place. "Yeah, Henry?"

"Who do you think should win 'Most Attractive Guy in Swellview'?" Henry asked her.

Charlotte crosses her arms, pretneding to look confused. "'Most Attractive Guy in Swellview'?"

Henry nods. "Yeah."

Charlotte tilts her head to the side and pretends to think. "Uh..."

Juniper stands up from behind her hiding place which had been by one of the tubes. "Defintely not Ray." Ray glanced at her with offense. As she walked over to stand by Charlotte and Henry, she just smiled at Ray and shrugged.

"Hey," Jasper gets up from behind the right side of the couch, and since Ray sat on the left side of the couch, he looks over at Jasper with confusion. "What about your dad?"

"Yeah," Schwoz chimes in, standing up from behind the super computer desk. "Your dad is hot."

Jasper walks over to stand by his friends. "Well, yeah."

"That is true." Charlotte said.

"That's an interesting way of looking at it." Henry commented.

"Yeah, sure, why not." Juniper shrugged.

Ray chuckles and he sits up straighter because he had been leaning back on the back of the couch. "Wait, wait, wait a second you guys." He stands up. "Just a friendly reminder," He smiles proudly, pointing at himself. "I've won the 'Most Attractive Guy in Swellview' for the past twelve years, so..." He shrugs. "It's kinda in the bag."

"Well, yeah," Henry walks over to him. "But...You're kinda old now."

The smile falls off of Ray's face when Henry said that. He chuckles in disbelief. "I'm old?"

"Yeah, what are you, like, over fifty?" Henry asked.

"Fi-" Ray looks at him with disbelief, pointing at the blonde-haired boy. "Did you just use the 'f' word?"

"Hey, look, I'm just saying that you-"

"I'm thirty-five, Henry," Ray interrupts Henry, putting his hands on Henry's shoulders with a smile on his face. "You know that." He took his hands off Henry, glancing at Schwoz and chuckled, pointing at Henry, as if he was saying he couldn't believe what Henry said.

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