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( season 3: episode 3 - scream machine; part one

Charlotte had called everyone to the Man Cave which was why Juniper was sitting on the steps nearby the machine that was covered by a grey sheet, scrolling through Instagram feed on her phone

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Charlotte had called everyone to the Man Cave which was why Juniper was sitting on the steps nearby the machine that was covered by a grey sheet, scrolling through Instagram feed on her phone. Charlotte was under the sheet, working on the finishing touch on her machine she made for the Gizmo Show that was in a few days. 

The Gizmo Show was when kids all over Swellview would make their own inventions and present them to everyone and then they would win a prize. It was pretty important. Charlotte got second place each year and so she was determined to get first place this year.

"Okay, I'm here." Juniper glances over to her left to see Ray and Schwoz walking into the Mancave. "What's up?"

"Uh, Charlotte wants to show us the new project she made for The Gizmo Show." Henry answered from his place at the super computer, pointing over his shoulder at the machine under the sheet. 

Ray tilts his head to the side, looking at the blonde-haired boy with confusion. "The Gizmo Show."

"What's a Gizmo Show?" Schwoz questioned.

"Oh, it's this huge competition they have every year," Henry stands up and walks over to Ray and Schwoz. "Where kids bring all kinds of cool machines and inventions they've made-"

Schwoz yawns towards the end of Henry's sentence. "And they show to the-" Henry stops in the middle of his sentence as Schwoz stops yawning. The blonde looks at Schwoz with a bit of offense. "I'm sorry, was I boring you?"

"Yeah, little bit." Schwoz nodded.

Henry presses his lips together, trying to not look hurt. "Okay."

A small giggle left Juniper's lips, causing Henry to roll his eyes even though he had a small smile on his lips. He couldn't stay annoyed with her especially when she had a cute giggle. 

"No," Ray drags out the word, looking at Schwoz. "He's tired 'cause he hasn't slept in two days."

Raising her eyebrows, Juniper gets up from the steps to join Henry, Ray, and Schwoz. "You seriously haven't slept in two days?" She asked Schwoz, standing beside Henry. She was surprised Schwoz hasn't slept in two days and wondered why.

"Yeah," Schwoz replies to Juniper. He shrugs. "But Henry was also being boring."

Ray looks up from his phone he held and nods. "True."

Henry looks at them both with offense and Juniper smiles with amusement, patting his arm to comfort him. Schwoz yawns again and walks across the room as Juniper puts her phone in her pocket and crosses her arms. "Okay, why hasn't Schwoz slept in two days?" Henry inquired, glancing at Ray with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ah," Ray rolls his eyes. "'Cause he was bingewatching that mini series about OJ."

"Mmmm," Henry hums in response, raising his eyebrows. "The one about that big trial from the nineties?"

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