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( season 3 : episode 9 - space invaders; part 1 )

Juniper was at the Man Cave one day, watching as Ray walked down the steps from the back room with a device in his hand

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Juniper was at the Man Cave one day, watching as Ray walked down the steps from the back room with a device in his hand. Schwoz was hiding up on the ceiling, how did he did up there and how was he staying there? She had no idea. But she, Ray, and Henry needed the key to his rocket to go save some astronauts that were being held captive and Schwoz wasn't letting them use his rocket. So Ray had been trying to get Schwoz down. Juniper thought there was surely a better way to get him down than this, but she didn't mention it after Ray had said that he got this.

"Schwoz...I can see you."

"Go away!" Schwoz shouted. In response, Ray aimed his device at him, trying to zap him, but he missed and part of the ceiling fell down. Schwoz laughs. "You missed me!"

"How did he get up there?" Charlotte inquired.

"I have no idea." Juniper admits. "It's honestly a little impressive."

"Come on, Schwoz, you're gonna have to come down from there eventually." Ray said, trying to coax Schwoz to come down.

"Leave me alone!" Schwoz exclaimed.

Ray chuckles and then he looks at Schwoz with a glare and demands, "Come on, Schwoz, I need it!" He aimed at Schwoz again and once again part of the ceiling fell.

"No, I'm saving it for marriage!" Schwoz defended himself.

Juniper's attention is brought over to the tubes when she saw Henry arriving and she smiles a little, her smile widening when he locked eyes with her and smiles back at her. "Hey." Henry greeted, looking around the place with furrowed eyebrows, confused at seeing why it looked like a mess.

"Hi, Henry!" Schwoz replied.

"Woah, what th-" Henry's eyes widen as he looks up at Schwoz. "Why is Schwoz-" Henry cut his own sentence off when Ray shot at Schwoz again. Henry quickly stepped back when some of the ceiling fell in front of him.

"Ha! Missed me, missed me! You are very stupid!" Schwoz taunted.

"Those are not the lyrics!" Ray angrily said and shot at Schwoz again.

"Ow, my shoe!" Schowz cried out and Juniper's eyes widened as his shoe fell down.

"Okay, what is going on?" Henry questioned, walking further into the room with confusion.

"Schwoz won't give Ray the launch key to his little rocket ship." Charlotte explained with a sigh.

"Well, why won't he-Schwoz has a rocket ship?" Henry interrupted himself as he realized what Charlotte said, looking surprised. He had no idea Schwoz had a rocket ship. Juniper didn't blame him for being surprised, that's how she felt when she first found out.

"It's called the Love Shuttle!" Schwoz revealed.

"Why did Schwoz build a Love Shuttle?" Henry questioned.

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