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( season 3: episode 4 - mouth candy; part two )

Arguing ensues at the candy store called Mouth Candy

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Arguing ensues at the candy store called Mouth Candy. Juniper was there with Ray and Henry, arguing with the owner, Jasper, and Mitch. 

"One at a time!" Ray shouted over everyone.

"Alright, alright." Henry exclaimed, getting everyone to stop talking. 

"Woof." Mitch said and everyone looked at him weirdly.

"ow, you two wait here while Kid Danger, Dash, and I go interrogate the...Suspect." Ray spoke.

"Yeah, whatever his name is." Henry added and Juniper nodded.

"They call him the Hot Broth Burglar." Mitch explained.

Jasper picks up a box of candy and began throwing it at him angrily. "No they don't!"

"Dude, calm down!" Juniper's eyes widen and she grabbed his arm, pulling him back as Ray and Henry stopped him from going any farther.

"You see that? You see that? Do you see his violent nature?!" 

With a glare in his eyes, Jasper runs at him again. Juniper quickly grabs his arm and this time Henry and Ray join in on pushing him back away from him. "Hey-hey, put down the jellybeans." Henry told him.

Jasper points at him. "But he-"

"Hey!" Henry said in a stern voice. "Put the jelly beans down."

With an upset expression, Jasper puts down the jelly beans. Juniper, Henry, and Ray bring Jasper off to the side, no one noticing Mitch sneaking some candy into his pocket. "Alright, did you relly try to steal that candy boot?" Henry asked Jasper.

"'Course I didn't!" Jasper whispers-yells. He points at Mitch and glares at him. "Mitch framed me!"

"Ah okay. Crime solved-Now can we go do our podcast?"

"Nope." Juniper said the same time Henry said, "Wait." Henry grabbed Ray's arm, stopping him from leaving.

"What am I gonna do?"  Jasper inquires. "Mr. Sugarman wants to put me in jail!"

"Okay, relax-you're not goin' to jail." Henry reassured him.

"We'll just make him think you are." Ray explained.

Ray grabs Jasper's arm as the four of them walked back over to the owner and Mitch. "Alright, sir. Kid Danger, Dash, and I are gonna take this rotten curly-haired misfit to jail."

"Yep." Juniper nodded, crossing her arms as she stood by Henry.

"That's right." Henry said.

"Ha!" Mitch laughed.

Mr. Sugarman nods. "Good."

Just as the four of them turn around to head out the door, two police officers walk into the store. "Hey, Captain Man." The male police officer greeted.

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