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( season 3: episode 2 - love muffin; part one )

Juniper was currently pacing in the Man Cave along with Charlotte and Henry

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Juniper was currently pacing in the Man Cave along with Charlotte and Henry. It was past midnight and they had been called by Ray for an emergency. What was the emergency? They didn't know because Ray didn't tell them. But it must be important enough for them having to be at the Man Cave so late.

Juniper had been woken up from her sleep and so she didn't bother to put on makeup or fix her hair that was in a messy bun. Not only that she also wore plaid pajama bottoms and a blue sweater over her white tank top, and the sweater was an off shoulder sweater. For her shoes she wore slippers. Yes, she drove to Junk 'N Stuff like this because she was way too lazy to look presentable like what Henry did. Henry was the only one wearing real clothes while Juniper and Charlotte wore their pajamas.

"Okay, why would Ray call us this late?" Juniper questions nervously as she paces with crossed arms. "I-I mean, maybe it's not that big of a deal. Maybe he, like, butt dialed us or something."

"Maybe. I don't know." Charlotte shakes her head. She stops pacing, pointing at Juniper and Henry. "But if it's because he had a bad dream again, I am not singing him a lullaby again."

"That's fair." Juniper nods. She stops pacing and a pout forms on her lips. "But it better be important enough to wake me up this late." She turned her attention to the elevator when she heard Jasper's scream. A few seconds later the door opened, revealing Jasper wearing curlers and an American themed onesie.

"I'm here!" Jasper announced, walking further into the Man Cave as his best friends stare at him with shock.

Henry looks at the girls with a wide-eyed look, pointing at Jasper. "That's an emergency." Juniper nodded in agreement.

Charlotte walks over to Jasper, furrowing her eyebrows. "Are you...Why would..." She stumbles over her words, having trouble saying what she wanted to say because she was in shock. "Curlers?!" She exclaimed.

"What," Jasper looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "You thought my hair was naturally curly?"

Juniper shrugs. "I didn't 'cause you asked me to ask Piper if I could borrow her curling iron and then wanted me to give them to you to use 'cause you didn't have one."

Jasper looks at her with a glare. "You didn't have to say that out loud!"

Juniper just shrugs again and smiles sheepishly at him. "Hey, speaking of curling iron," She points at Jasper. "Piper told me she wanted it back by tomorrow. So technically, today."

Jasper nods. "Got it."

An alarm beeps a few seconds later, signaling the four best friends someone was coming down the tube. The four best friends now stood lined up next to each other and whether they meant to stand like it or not they stood next to each other from shortest to tallest. With Charlotte being in front and Jasper being in the back. Ray arrived and smiled at the four teens when the tube went up.

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