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( season 3  : episode 4 - mouth candy; part one )

Juniper, Henry, and Ray were setting up their radio show in the Man Cave

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Juniper, Henry, and Ray were setting up their radio show in the Man Cave. Why they were making a radio show? Juniper wasn't really for sure, but she just went along with it. She sat between the boys, putting on headphones as the boys connected the wires with the sound system. 

When they were done, Henry puts his headphones on. Ray leans on the table and speaks into the microphone, testing out the microphone to make sure it works. "Test. Test one. Puh. Puh puh. Potato pants..."Juniper glances at him weirdly and chuckle as the man continues. "Pretty Polly wore purple potato pants to her Purim party in Pittsburgh."

"Did you come up with that or?" Juniper questioned, her voice trailing off with an amused smile on her face.

Ray looks back at her with annoyance. "You, shush."

Juniper giggles slightly, glancing at Henry and shares an amused look with him. Ray glances at Henry. "Henry, how does that sound?"

"Not gonna ask me?" Juniper asked and playfully pouts.

Ray points at her. "No, you made fun of me."

Henry chuckles and leans over to press the button to speak into his microphone. "Painful. Please p'stop." He said, adding a 'p' when he said stop. 

"'Kay," Ray drags out the word and nods. "Let's start the podcast!" 

Henry grins. "Alright, let's cast our pod."

Ray claps his hands excitedly. "Yeah!" He began counting down as he got ready to record them. "In five, four, three, two..." He presses the button to record them and drags out the word 'hello' and 'too' when he spoke. "Hello! And welcome to..." 

Together, the three of them sing together, "Deep in the Man Cave!" Ray then pressed a button on his laptop which played some heavy metal music. After a few seconds, he turned off the music and spoke into his microphone again.

"Yesiree, this is the very first podcast starring your very own Captain Man," Ray paused, glancing at Henry and Juniper, signaling them to speak. 

"Kid Dang-" Before Henry could finish, his phone dings, notifying him he got a message. "Hold up, I got a text." He picks his phone up. "Sorry." 

Juniper looks at Ray, raising her eyebrows at seeing how annoyed he looked. "Dang it!" Ray yelled, unplugging his headphones from the sound system and throwing them across the room. Henry and Juniper jumped, startled by Ray's sudden tantrum. Ray stood and turned to face Henry with annoyance, throwing his arms up out of frustration.

"Look, this isn't live, we can just start again." Henry suggested.

"Okay, uh, why don't we just start World War Two again?" Ray asked, his voice laced with annoyance.

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