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( season 3 : episode 3 - scream machine; part two )

The next day Juniper, Henry, Ray, and Schwoz quickly ran into the building where The Gizmo Show was being held with the machine Schwoz created

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The next day Juniper, Henry, Ray, and Schwoz quickly ran into the building where The Gizmo Show was being held with the machine Schwoz created.

Ray and Juniper threw open the doors while Henry and Schwoz pushes in the machine with a sheet covering it. "Comin' through!" Ray shouted, pushing past the people near the door.

"Get out of the way, people!" Juniper exclaimed, trying to get people to move so they all could get past.

At her area with Jasper, Charlotte smiles excitedly and hits Jasper's chest repeatedly. "Ooh, here they are! Here they come! Here they come!"

"Hey!" Jasper whines, grabbing her hand to pull it away from him. "I'm tender here." Charlotte rolled her eyes and anxiously watched her friends bring over the machine Schwoz made.

When they reach Charlotte, they're all out of breath from running inside. "Where have you guys been?!" Charlotte inquired.

"We got here as fast we could." Henry answered.

"Yeah, sorry we're late." Juniper apologized, leaning on the machine to try to catch her breath and get her heart rate to slow down.

"We wanted to stop and get ice creams." Schwoz spoke in a upset tone.

"But Henry and Juniper wouldn't let us." Ray mockingly said, rolling his eyes.

Juniper and Henry share an annoyed expression. "'Cause we had to be here at a specific time and if we got ice creams we would be even more late than we are." Juniper spoke, looking at the two men with annoyance.

"But okay, we'll get ice creams later!" Henry said, raising his arms out of frustration. "Jeez."

"Oh, man, here come the judges." Charlotte notices. She looks at her friends, gesturing them to move the table. "Quick, move that table out of the way so we can put my Scream Machine here!"

Henry, Jasper, and Schwoz moves the table off to the side as Juniper and Ray pushes the machine in place of where the table used to be. Ray threw the sheet off the machine and the sheet landed on Schwoz, causing him to stumble a bit.

Charlotte looks at the machine with furrowed eyebrows. "Where is my project?" She points at the machine. "What is that?!"

Henry wraps his arm around her shoulders. "Okay, listen, listen, listen. I gotta tell you something. We lost the plans for your Scream Machine."

"You lost them?!" Charlotte raises her voice, looking at her friends with a glare. Henry, Ray, and Schwoz shushed her when some heads were turned their way because of Charlotte's outburst. Henry gets his arm off of her as she points at them, demanding, "Okay, never tell a woman to shhhhh!"

"Okay." Henry raised his hands in defense.

"We're sorry." Ray apologized.

Schwoz sighs, putting a hand on his hip. "So many rules."

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