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( season 3: hour of power - part two )

Juniper did managed to kick Drex's butt a few times, but he somehow got the upper hand and managed to sprain her wrist

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Juniper did managed to kick Drex's butt a few times, but he somehow got the upper hand and managed to sprain her wrist. And then Drex embarrassed Henry by spanking his butt. Juniper now wore a brace on her wrist and she was back in her normal clothes. She was in the Man Cave with Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry, watching the news which was showing the viral video of Drex spanking Henry. Henry was also back in his normal clothes and he was sitting on a bucket of ice with a towel over his lap. watching the video with annoyance.

"Can you turn that off?" Henry questioned and Charlotte pressed a button, turning off the news.

"Come on, Schwoz!" Ray yells. "Get me out of here!" Schwoz stood by Ray, using a laser deice to try to break the box on Ray's head.

"So, how's your bottom?" Jasper asked Henry.

"Spanked. It still hurts." Henry replied.

"Isn't the ice helping?" Charlotte raised her eyebrows.

"No. This ice is just giving me numb butt." Henry admits. He glances over at Juniper, his annoyed expression turning soft. "How's your wrist?"

"It still hurts." Juniper sighs. She smiles and shrugs. "But at least I have enhanced healing. So it should be completely healed soon."

"Lucky." Henry muttered and Juniper sympathetically smiled at him.

"I can't cut through it." Schwoz sighed, pulling the laser device away from the box when he had no luck.

"Dang it, why not?" Ray inquired.

"Because this helmet is made of neutronium, and it has three different thermo-magnatomic locks." Schwoz explains. "The only way to open it is with a special electronic key." He smiles, pointing at Ray. "Did Drex give you a special electronic key?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." Ray pretends that he did. "It's right here in my pocket, let me just-No, he didn't give me a special electronic key!" He shouts the last part, causing Schwoz to flinch. Ray stands up. "Look, if you can't cut this helmet off, at least get this freakish Nut Cluster trap off my hands!"

"Oh, I can get it off!" Jasper announced, opening a drawer of a nearby moveable cabinet.

"What's he doing?" Ray questioned as Jasper walked over to him. Everyone panicked and tried to stop him when they noticed Jasper had a blaster. Jasper aimed the blaster at the box and because of the explosion, Ray fell backwards. Everyone looked at Jasper with shock after seeing the box was gone and Jasper smirked.

Ray stands up, facing the wrong direction. "Jasper, did you-did you just fire a blaster at me? Son, I asked you a question!" Charlotte walks over to him, turning him so he was facing the right direction. "Uh, wait, what are you-Oh."

"Now try that again." Charlotte suggested.

"Did you just fire that blaster at me?" Ray inquired.

"Well, yeah, because you're indestructible, and-and look, I got your hands free." Jasper smiled.

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