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( season 3: episode five - hour of power; part one)

Charlotte, Jasper, and Juniper were in the Man Cave watching the news

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Charlotte, Jasper, and Juniper were in the Man Cave watching the news. Charlotte sat at the super computer and Jasper and Juniper stood behind her. "And according to city officials, this mistake at Swellview Prison is the biggest mistake in the history of prison mistakes." Mary on the news explained.

"Wow. So disturbing." Trent comments. "And now we go live to Swellview Prison with reporter Barney Villaraigosa." 

"You want some soup?" Jasper asked Charlotte and Juniper, referring to the bowl of soup he held. Charlotte and Juniper looked at him weirdly. 

"You don't share soup." Charlotte replied.

"Yeah, that's weird." Juniper agreed.

"I share soup with my mom." Jasper shrugged.

"Once again, weird." Juniper remarked. 

Charlotte glances back at him with raised eyebrows. "Do we look like your mom?"  

"I wish." Jasper responded and the girls looked at him weirdly.

The trio turns their attention back to the screen that showed the news when the reporter Barney was speaking. "I'm here outside Swellview Prison with Mark Landry from the prison parole board. Mr. Landry-"

Mark takes the microphone from him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"How could you have accidentally released one of the F.B.I's most dangerous criminals by mistake?" Barney questioned.

"Yeah, um, see, today is bring your daughter to work day," The screen zooms out, revealing Mark's little girl was standing in front of him. "And my daughter Molly was playing with my computer, and somehow she released Drex from...heh, prison, heh. Again, I'm so sorry."

Barney kneels down beside Molly. "Molly, why would you release Drex, knowing how dangerous he is?"

"I'm five." Molly replied, holding up her hand to show how old she is.

Barney laughs and stands. "Ah, kids sure do say the stupidest things."

"Uh, Barney...Any news on the current location of this criminal named Drex?" Trent inquired.

Juniper's eyes widen when she spot Drex sneak up behind the guard standing by the gate in the back and knocked the guard out. Drex takes a weapon from the guard before running away. "Not at this time." Barney responds. "But investigators are using all available resources to conduct a complete search of literally everywhere."

Charlotte turns off the news as Ray walks into the room from being in the back room. "Charlotte," Juniper glances over at him, noticing he had his suit on which made her wonder if she needed to get changed into hers. "I need you to log into the Man Cave's computer guidance system."

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