Chapter 2: He's a keeper

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Mason Walton

We've been in this meeting room for two hours now, and my focus was more on Katrina than Mr. Williams. I could feel Adam's anger radiating from where he was seated but I couldn't care less. I lead the meeting successfully and did exactly as he asked me to. I put aside my angst and convinced Mr. Williams to work with us. It wasn't my fault the client was questioning everything about our company and the way we worked. I was more preoccupied with Katrina's presence as an executive assistant to Mr. Williams more than anything else. Last I asked about her I was told she was studying law at Harvard and was excelling. So what was a law graduate doing as an assistant?

I looked at her skeptically for a few seconds but only earned a kick from Adam under the table. I looked at him pointedly and let out a sigh before straightening in my chair.

"Mr. Williams, as I told you before, a whole team will be working only and fully on your project. We've had the opportunity to work on huge projects like this one before and we never failed." I nodded at Elsa who handed him a folder containing photos of our biggest projects. "I'll be the leading architect on your project and I'll be reporting to you every other week."

"Are you prepared to fly down to Boston once a week to give me a full report?" he asked me expectantly.

That was not what I had in mind when I offered to report every week. I glanced at Adam who was smirking at me and probably waiting to hear my response.

"well, to be honest, most reports can be done over the phone and by e-mail, but if that's what you would like sir, than yes. I'd gladly fly over once a week."

Mr. William's smile widened and he looked at Adam grinning "That young man is a keeper Mr. Yilmaz. We have a deal" He stood up and we shook hands sealing the deal.

All I wanted was for them to leave so I could have a minute with Katrina since earlier as soon as I realized who she was Adam and Mr. Williams strode in after her. It was impossible for me to ask her anything.

Adam invited Mr. Williams to his office to celebrate and I watched Katrina as she gathered her things.

"Mason? Aren't you coming?" Adam asked with a frown.

"I'll be a minute" I said picking up my phone and bit a laugh as he rolled his eyes before leaving the room.

"Elsa, would you please give us a minute?"

Elsa looked from me to a surprised and may I add confused Katrina back and forth before nodding "Of course sir." She grabbed her tablet and notes and left us alone in a hurry.

"Katrina Johnson" I put my hands in my pockets and walked toward her.

She tucked a strand of her wavy hair behind her ear and smiled shyly "Mason Walton." She crossed her arms over her chest trying to act casual but it was clear she was nervous.

I leaned back against the wall "It's been so long hasn't it?"

"Yes it has... I think the last time I saw you was high school graduation."

"Exactly, and I waved at you and was making my way to you but you had disappeared."

"Oh, I..." she looked around as if looking for an escape making me smile. She was so adorable.

"Hey, it's okay" I chuckled "Don't worry about it. I just always wondered why you kept running from me throughout high school. It was hard keeping up with you to be honest."

Her smile faded and she just shrugged before leaning down to pick up her things "Well, it was nice seeing you again Mr. Walton."

"Mr. Walton? Where did that come from?"

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