Chapter 7: it's just coffee

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Mason Walton

I pushed the door to my hotel room open and stepped inside with a bored sigh. After breakfast, I went to Martin's office for a couple of hours before we both went out for lunch. Now that I was back, I needed something to distract me from checking my phone every two seconds and see if Katrina sent me a text or not. I took off my jacket suit and hung it before heading to the desk where my laptop was sitting. I turned it on and started catching up on some work.

One hour of working and I still couldn't take Katrina out of my mind. She was such a tease leaving a 'maybe' in the air before acting as nothing happened. I groaned pushing my laptop away and getting on my feet as I loosened my tie looking out of the window. With a sigh, I grabbed my phone from the counter about to call her when I received a text from her.

KJ: coffee?

MW: Where?

KJ: Le Petit Café. Ten minutes?

KJ: It's just coffee.

I rolled my eyes typing my response saying I'll be there. I didn't care if it was just coffee, I was happy I could spend some time with her. I took off my vest and tie wanting to seem more casual, but with a look in a mirror, I changed my mind. I put on a pair of blue jeans with a white button-up shirt which sleeves I rolled up. Once ready, I left the hotel in a hurry and googled the Café in order to find out where it was. Luckily for me, it wasn't that far.

Le petit café was a cozy-looking coffee shop with plants everywhere and a book corner. While scanning the place for Katrina I noticed it wasn't crowded, it was actually calm. My eyes settled on her, she was still wearing her sexy black outfit from this morning. She had her hair in a tight bun and her face was buried in a book. I took a deep breath before joining her at her table.

"Mind if I join you?"

She looked up from her book and smiled at me "Mason, hi!"

"Hi," I chuckled pulling the chair out and taking a seat. "How are you?"

"I'm good, I just got out of work so I thought I'd make some time for you before going home."

"Well, how nice of you," I smirked leaning back into my chair as a waitress brought us the menus "I was working myself when you texted, but of course, I left everything and came running." I winked at her earning the cutest blush ever.

The coffee and dessert we ordered didn't take long to be served. I was still staring at her not believing she agreed to meet me.

"You come here a lot?"

"Yes, I like it here. It's never too busy and... stop staring at me," She giggled tucking a loose curl behind her ear "Are you ready for the party tonight?"

"Yeah... kind of. I still don't know what to wear and Elsa is out of reach. I guess I'll just wear one of my suits."

"I can help you with that; I can take you to where Mr. Williams gets his suits and tuxedos if you want?"

"That would be great actually, but do you have time?"

"Sure... My dress is ready." She frowned reading a text she received.

"The boyfriend?" that I'm sure doesn't exist...

"No, that's Natalie she wants me to pick up her dress." She rolled her eyes and switched her phone off.

"Why do you have to do that? You're not her assistant, and even if you were, you're supposed to be done for the day... why are you even working as an assistant?"

Katrina smiled shaking her head "I know I'm done for the day, that's why I switched my phone off, relax, I'm still going to help you with your tux."

I leaned forward holding her gaze "you didn't answer my question. Why are you working as an assistant? Weren't you a law student?"

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