Chapter 6: Maybe

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Katrina Johnson

I watched him join Natalie in the beeline unable to move. I was trying to understand what he meant when I saw him take her hand and lead her inside the club. Seeing him so close to her sent a pang to my heart but it was my fault, I was the one who sent him running for the hills. I just had no other choice.

I stopped a cab to go home and only when I was alone in the back seat I realized how hot the kiss was. Without a thought, my fingers traced my lips remembering how good his lips felt on mine. It was pure luck that I found him at the bar. I was actually running from Fred and was about to ask the bartender to call the bouncers but then I bumped into him and spilled his drink ruining his shirt. And it hit me! Why not pretend to be with someone so Fred  would leave me alone? It seemed to be the perfect idea at the time. I didn't realize how much damage it could cause to our already awkward relationship.

In my defense, Fred was a lot of work. He needed to see someone and figure out how to stop his anger bursts. He almost slapped me once, and it terrified me. That was when I decided to break it off, but Fred wouldn't stop calling texting, and even following me around just to be near me and talk to me.

"We're here miss,"

"Thank you." I gave the cabby his money and went inside the building being welcomed by Billy the concierge. He was an old nice man who considered me as his daughter.

"Kat, you're early tonight, didn't you go clubbing?"

"Hi, Billy. Yes, I did but Fred showed up and ruined my night. Anyway, how are you? How's your leg?"

"Oh, this Fred needs help. My leg is fine sweetie, don't worry about me."

I bid him goodnight and went upstairs to my apartment. It was big and spacious with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. I even had a balcony that I never used. I unlocked the door and heard the most adorable purr as Blacky rubbed his head over my leg lighting up my mood a little. I bent down and picked him up scratching his head as I went into my bedroom.

"Hey Blacky, missed me?" I kissed his nose before putting him on my bed and starting to undress. My thoughts went back to Mason and I felt sad all of a sudden... Keep running, it's best for both of us. Those words kept ringing in my ear, they were full of hurt and disappointment. I shook my head knowing I did the right thing lying to him about having a boyfriend, I couldn't be with him. We were so different in so many ways... one of us would end up hurting. I wasn't blind, I knew he had a crush on me since high school, and managed to stay away from him successfully until last week...

Seeing him in that conference room after so many years, seeming all serious and mature did things to me. He was even more attractive than he was in school, he was no longer a boy, but a man in a suit, a sexy suit, trying to impress one of the best businessmen in Boston. He was so dedicated that he closed the deal without difficulty making his partner proud.

I took a quick shower and put on my pajamas before snuggling in bed with Blacky who was meowing with happiness. Oh Mason, what brought you back into my life? I didn't know if it was a coincidence that Natalie was at the same club, but I was aware that James Williams liked Mason enough to introduce him to his family, to his daughter to be exact. When I first realized why he invited him to Boston, I felt anger run through me but remembered I had no right to be jealous. I knew he wanted me and I kept pushing him away, but I had my own reasons. I thought about the kiss and smiled dreamily. Magical, was the last thought I had before drifting to sleep.

"bringgg..." the loud buzzing of my alarm woke me up from my dreams and comfy sleep. I turned it off and buried myself under the covers not wanting to get up just yet.

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