Chapter 19: Gotcha

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Katrina Johnson

I rubbed my eyes as I let out a big yawn before resting my head on the kitchen counter. I wasn't even that drunk but still, I woke up with a stupid headache and lots of remorse. I should have come straight home when my plane landed instead of asking Noah to drop me at Mason's firm. That was a huge mistake.

"So, a white boy huh?"

I looked up at Noah and glared "Your girlfriend is white. Since when do we speak like that in this household? White and black?"

"We don't. You do." He smiled giving me a plate of bacon omelet and a glass of orange juice.

It was true. I must have been the only one with a complex in this house. Noah had a steady girlfriend for a few years now, and even Scarlet didn't care about a person's race or ethnicity, she just looked at their souls. But me? I only tried dating black men. That was sick, right? I guess I was messed up in my own kind of way. I wasn't racist at all, I was just protecting myself. Gregory Carson taught me that I would never belong.

"Eat your food before it gets cold." Noah sat across from me and started eating his breakfast.

"How is Tory anyway?"

"We broke up." He said flatly and rolled his eyes "She was sent to our Australian office as a chief editor. She was so happy and I was so proud of her..." He shook his head "But next thing I know she's breaking up with me because she can't do long-distance relationships! Funny huh?"

"Not at all. that's... sad, cruel, inconsiderate. I can't believe she would break up with you after four years!"

"It's no big deal really. What matters is she's living her dream. I'm happy for her."

"Wait, how are you being okay with this? You're taking it so well!"

"I wasn't okay with it. But I can't force anyone to be with me or love me, Kat, that's not who I am. Of course, it was painful, it still is in a way. I miss her so damn much but being sad won't change anything. She made up her mind so..."

"Yeah, she did. How long has it been?"

"Almost a month." He downed his orange juice and smiled at me. "Don't worry about me, I promise I'm fine."

"I know you are, Noah. You're probably the strongest person I know but I'm sad you didn't tell me sooner, I could have been there for you."

"You have enough on your plate. Working for Williams and his brat of a daughter isn't easy."

He chuckled shaking his head. Noah had met the Williams family on many occasions and had to work on an article with Natalie about all the charity they did. He went through hell and came back a few times due to her bitchy attitude. I always thought she had a crush on him as she kept asking about him for a while.

"Williams is a good man, his daughter though..." I laughed "Don't worry though, payback is a bitch" I winked and he laughed heartedly.

"What about the golden boy?"


"Oh... no, I wasn't talking about your boyfriend. I meant Williams' son, I forgot his name."

"Benjamin," I said with a smile "He's away on business, and he's a real sweetheart."

We talked for a while longer until Noah had to go to the office. It was nice spending alone time with him. Before he moved out for college, he was my best friend. We did everything together. I missed those days of innocence and ignorance. After college, mom made him move back in, saying it was too much for her heart that her three kids were away. He still owns a pad in Manhattan but only stays there when he works too late or needs some privacy.

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