Chapter 12: The right choice

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Katrina Johnson

"What was he doing here so early Katrina?" Pablo asked me before taking a sip of his coffee.

They've been questioning me from the second Pablo came in. Why was he here? When did he show up? Why did he show up? What happened last night? A million questions I did not want to give answers to. It's true that I always told those two everything, but when it came to Mason lately I just hesitated. I didn't even understand what was really going on and how I was going to deal with it, so how was I going to explain it to them?

For the hundredth time, I huffed and got on my feet "Would you both stop with all the questions? Seriously it's bugging me! Nothing happened, he just showed up and he left that's all! End of story! And what the fuck is vibrating so much!"

I started looking around and found a phone between the cushions on my couch. I frowned not recognizing it. It rang again I stared at it for a second. Celine... Mason talked about Celine last night. She was his fiancé or something. A pang of jealousy wrapped around me like a suffocating fog and I found it hard to breathe. I threw the phone on the couch and grabbed my glass of water from the coffee table drinking it in one gulp.

Scarlett took Mason's phone and silenced it. She hesitated before asking me "Do you want me to give it back to him?"

I shrugged at first but then realized he was leaving today and he needed his phone. "No, I'll give it to him on my way to work." I snatched it from her and went to get ready not putting much thought into my outfit pulling on the first skirt suit I could reach. I wasn't really in the mood to dress up or doll up but I felt like straightening my hair. Once ready, I made my way out unnoticed not wanting to be interrogated again by Sherlock and his assistant.

-Hi Nora, It's Katrina Johnson, please would you tell Mr. Williams that I'll be a little late?

-Hi Katrina, yes, of course, nothing bad I hope?

-No, No, everything is fine it's a family matter.

I walked into The Walton's feeling all nervous. Celine kept calling every two minutes. I wondered why she would call if they were broken up? Maybe he was drunk last night because of her and not me? So many thoughts ran through my mind as I walked out of the elevator on his floor. Finally finding his suite, I stood in front of it for a few minutes, rethinking my coming here. Maybe I should just leave it at the reception desk? But that would be rude, won't it? I lifted my hand to knock but dropped it with a sigh. What if he's with someone? I could hear faint talking but couldn't make out the words or the voices.

It took all I had to muster the courage and knock on his door.

The door opened revealing a very surprised Mason. He said nothing, just kept staring at me. This was a bad idea, I shouldn't have come here. I wished I took up Scarlett on that offer and let her bring him his phone instead of me.

"Mason, hi!" I blurted with a small wave.

Mason smiled showing his dimples as he let me in "Hi Katrina, this is Rita Roberts. Rita, this is Katrina Johnson."

I wasn't surprised to find her here. She was with him last night after all. But I was getting a feeling that Mason was a huge playboy with all these women in his life.

"Nice meeting you Katrina," Rita offered her hand which Kat shook with a smile.

"Likewise Rita." Rita, he also spoke about her last night. "So this is the future Mrs. Walton?"

Rita laughed shaking her head and casually taking a sip of her drink while Mason looks confused "What?"

"Last night, you told me she was the future Mrs. Walton."

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