Chapitre 27: I want you

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PS: A little bit of smut coming


Katrina Johnson

"We could share your room?" I knew it was too much to ask that of him but I was out of options. I couldn't let him fire me. I had to prove to anyone that I could do it, even if it wasn't my plan all along to become an assistant.

"I... I don't mind Kat, but do you really think it's a good idea?"

This was absolutely not the greatest idea but it was my only chance at keeping my job. I was grateful that even after everything I put him through he was still trying to help me. Mason Walton was a true gentleman.

"It's the best option."

"What about your... euh... you're boyfriend? Won't he mind?"

I frowned, "What boyfriend? Pablo is just my friend I told you that."

"I'm not talking about Pablo. I'm talking about the man that had you pressed against the wall." He said firmly with a glare.

I took a step back, hating he saw me. Hating that I was stupid enough to let it happen in the first place and it was eating me alive.

"He's not my boyfriend. Not anymore..." I whispered looking at my feet "That was Aiden."

"The prick that broke your heart?" He asked in disbelief and he had every right to. I nodded ashamed of myself. "Wow... I just... I'm out of words. I treat you the best I can and you won't even look at me because I'm a 'white boy' as Noah puts it, yet you go and kiss the person that hurt you the most."

I wiped my tears shaking my head "He took me by surprise and at first I lost myself in him but then I pushed him off of me! I didn't want that to happen but you know what? I'm glad it did!"

"Great! I'm glad for you!"

"You should be! Because it showed me you have ruined men for me, Mason!"

"I've ruined nothing! I just saw you kissing him!"

"Why aren't you listening to me? You made it so I can't be with anyone else! I can't kiss anyone else without thinking about you!"

He froze for a moment and took a step closer. "Are you hearing yourself? Is that another lie? Another trick?"

"It's not." I was breathing hard as I took another step forward making it that we were toe to toe. And I was glad for the heels that put me at a good height. "It's not a trick. I hated every second of his lips being on mine. I wanted your lips, not his."

In a matter of seconds, I found myself in mason's arms with his lips on mine. He kissed me hungrily pressing me harder to him. We were both burning with desire and longing for each other that we couldn't ignore it anymore. I let myself go and kissed him back with the same fervency and wanton.

I moaned against his lips as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I heard a small tearing sound and knew it was coming from my dress but I did not care. I was having my forbidden fruit and even though I knew there would be consequences, I didn't care.

Mason lay me down on the bed gently as he hovered over me, looking deeply into my eyes with heavy breathing. His fingers brushed the side of my arm sending shivers down my spine. He nestled between my legs leaning closer and closer until his lips met with my skin. He left a trail of kisses from the back of my ear to the bare valley between my breasts.

I moaned loudly as I felt his manhood press against my core. I was desperate for him. I wanted him like I never wanted anyone before in my life. Am I really going to do this?

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