Chapter 28: Never let go

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Mason Walton

A knock on my door made me look at the hardwood with a raised brow. I didn't have any appointments scheduled for the day and I gave Elsa the rest of the day off, but then again, I wasn't sure she already left.

"Come in?"

The door pushed open and Noah stepped in with a smile.

"Hi, Elsa said you were alone so I thought I'd come to see you before we leave."

"Noah! How are you?" I smiled at him and shook his hand before motioning for him to take a seat. "Want a drink?"

"Oh, no thank you, Mason. Too early for that." He chuckled "How are you?"

"I'm alive and well thank you." I leaned back into my chair setting the pen on top of the file I was reviewing.

"So, how are things with Elsa?"

"Great actually, we're going to lunch, and since tomorrow we both have the day off, we've booked a lodge at Adam's Grandpa's resort. Elsa showed me pictures and it's pretty romantic."

I smiled with a nod, "You'll love that place. I'm happy for both of you. You both deserve the best in this world."

"So do you Mason... so do you." He paused and let out a sigh "Don't settle for less. Follow your heart, Mason."

I laughed shaking my head "Are you fucking serious Noah? I followed my heart and we both know where that led me. I'm playing it safe now, and I have a date tonight. I'm happy."

"I know about Eloise, I saw a picture of you online. I'm not sure who posted it. But are you really happy? Coz it's never too late to go after what you really want."

He was starting to rile me up. I took a deep breath and met his eyes "Noah, it's been two months for god's sake! I went to Boston ten times since that night and I never saw her there. It was always her co-assistant filling for her. It's obvious she doesn't want me, and don't tell me to talk to her! I've tried man! God knows how many times I tried."

"I know, but she loves you and she's miserable... I know it was her choice and I know she pushed you away, but seeing you both so distraught kills me. I just feel like I need to bring you back together..."

"Don't bother Noah. She made her choice. I'm white, she doesn't want a white man. She speaks about racism and how much she was bullied, but rejecting me is racism. She should see someone for her own good Noah, help her. Not me. I'm happy with Eloise, she's nice, beautiful, and cares for me."

"But you don't love her." He whispered looking at me as he got on his feet. "You'll never be truly happy with her. You'll always think about those little stolen moments with Kat, you'll always think about that night... She's the one you love."

I watched Noah as he left the building with Elsa on his arm. They seemed so close, so smitten and taken with each other and I wonder if Kat and I used to look like that? But Kat was never my girlfriend. She only toyed with my feelings when she knew well what she meant to me.

I went back to my desk and tried finishing my work but I couldn't. I kept thinking about Noah's words. He was right about Eloise, I wasn't truly happy. But I was safe, I had no feelings for her. Maybe I was being selfish but I knew that she couldn't hurt me. She could break up with me now and I wouldn't be angry at all. Does that make me a dick?

I pushed the file into my drawer with other important documents before locking it and turning off my computer. I took my jacket, phone, and keys and walked out of my office. I was waiting for the elevator when I felt Adam's presence by my side.

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