Chapter 24: You are so beautiful Kitty

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Katrina Johnson

I was about to cave in. I was just about to lean into him and feel his lips over mine one more time. But Noah happened. Noah called me waking me up from my daze. I pulled away gently and fished my phone out of my purse.

"I'm sorry, it's Noah," I answered the call still staring into Mason's eyes.


-Where are you? Let's have lunch.-

-I'm with Mason. In his office.-

-oh, white boy! Juicy. Fine send me the address and I'll pick you up-

-alright, bye.-

I hung up and quickly text him the address. I felt Mason's eyes on me and looked up. he had his arms crossed and was looking at me with a smile.

"You're leaving aren't you?"

"Yeah... Noah will pick me up. We're going out for lunch."

"That's nice."

"You could come if you want?"

"Oh no, I would love to but I can't. I have a meeting in about twenty minutes so, next time maybe. I'll see you tonight though. I'll pick you up at 6 pm if that suits you?"

"I still can't believe you're taking me to dinner with your parents!"

"I had dinner with yours last night" He chuckled "And you'll love them. My mother already loves you I can tell."

"Yes but you do realize we're acting like a couple?"

He sighed "So?"

"So? We're supposed to be friends Mason."

"Aren't you tired of fighting this?"


There was a knock on his door and Elsa came in "Mr. Walton, a Noah Johnson is here to see you."

"Let him in Elsa,"

"No, no need, I'll meet him outside." I picked up my purse and got on my feet hurrying outside "Noah" I gave him a hug and smiled "I'm ready."

"Hi, Mason,"

"Hi Noah, how are you?"

"All good thanks. Want to join us?"

"Maybe next time, I have a meeting soon."

"Alright, see you around then." Noah looked at Elsa and grinned "Bye beautiful!"

I looked at the blush that crept up her neck into her cheek. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Mason who just chuckled shaking his head. Noah and I left silently. I waited until we were into the elevator to smack Noah's arm.


"What?" He rolled his eyes "She is beautiful."

"She is yes, but do you have to tell her that? I mean do you tell every beautiful girl you just met that she is beautiful?"

"Damn, woman! What's your problem?"

"Nothing. I just don't think it's professional."

"Oh? And having coffee with the man you don't want a relationship with even though you know he's dying to be with you, is?"

I glared at Noah before walking out of the elevator. He was right. That wasn't professional at all. And the almost kiss was definitely crossing the line. Friends didn't kiss. I had to put an end to that kissing thing. But resisting him was becoming hard and harder.

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