chapter 29: Come back to me

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Katrina Johnson

Sometimes, the best thing to do when we lose control of our life is to fall back from everything and take some time off. Our soul often needs to withdraw from negativity and bad choices. Taking time to heal ourselves is the only way to nourish our souls with light and hope again.

I was exactly in that state. It was safe to say that since that night with Mason, I had completely and utterly lost control of the reins of my life. I needed time for myself and for my soul to heal. I needed time for my broken heart to mend. It was a nightmare.

I didn't see my friends as much, including Pablo, I tried hooking up with a guy I never met before just to take Mason out of my mind but it didn't work. And, to top it all, I didn't always go to work anymore, and I knew I would be fired soon, but to be honest, my mental health was more important than any job could be.

Now that I think of it, I don't understand why I was so scared of losing my job. I'm good at it, and would certainly find another in no time. I just closed myself to other opportunities and other options, it was depressing. I was the best in my year and if it wasn't for Aiden's infidelity I would probably be a great lawyer just like Pablo.

Regret was an awful sickness eating at my soul bit by bit while I sat in a corner doing nothing about it. I've never regretted my choices before, even when they were made out of fear. Fear of failure. But tonight, as I was comfily snuggled into the comfort of my bed watching 'The white queen' on Netflix, I was indeed regretting a lot of things. One of them being my current professional situation.


I was startled by my mother's voice coming from the corridor and adjusted myself in my bed looking at the door.

"Katrina!" She opened the door out of breath, "There was an accident just by Sandy's house, she just called..."

"Who was it? Was it bad?" I asked looking at her with worry. It certainly wasn't Dad or Noah since she was kind of composed and not acting crazy. And it couldn't have been Scar since she was in Princeton. But it certainly was someone we knew since she bothered to come over and tell me the news.

"Oh, it was bad. His helmet rolled off his head and he hit his head pretty hard..." She paused looking at me.

"Who was it? Who's the lunatic that was driving a bike in the middle of a snow storm coming?"

"The lunatic that was coming to see you!"

"Me? Mom!" I jumped to my feet "who the hell had an accident! You're killing me!"

"It's that Walton boy... the one who had dinner with us a few months back."

"Mas..." I quickly took my fuzzy pants off and reached for my jeans pulling them up "Mason? Was it Mason?" I took off my pajama top and put on a woolen sweater before reaching for my boots.

"Yes, Mason. He was unconscious when they took him. Sandy said she didn't know what state he was in apart from the fact that he was unconscious."

"Where did they take him?" I opened my closet pulling out a coat and scarf.

"Forest Hill hospital. They'll transfer him when he wakes up I think."

"I'm taking your car!" I ran out of my room going straight to the bowl near the door where her keys were, ignoring her pleas.

"You'll go tomorrow! The snow is getting heavy, please Katrina!"

"I'll drive slowly." I rushed outside before she could stop me and drove straight to the hospital. Why Mason? Why? I groaned pushing back the tears when I saw what was probably his bike at the side of the road. Why would he drive a Ducati in this weather? This was crazy!

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