Chapter 4:Stop running from me

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Mason Walton

I put my fork down and eyed Helena who was glaring at me. she had a rule, no phone at the dinner table. I looked at Adam for help but he just smirked knowingly.

"Even if it's the queen of England you can't answer that phone," he said sarcastically enjoying my situation too much.

I've been dying to hear her voice and she chooses to call now. How lucky can I get? I was setting my phone when she called again "I'm sorry I have to take this." I mumbled getting up and making my way to the patio.


-Mr. Walton, hi. This is Katrina Johnson, Mr. Williams's assistant-

Why so professional? So distant?

-Mr. Walton?-

-Yes Katrina I'm here.- I answered a bit frustrated.

She paused for a second –Mr. Williams reviewed the plans and first drafts, he likes them so far and he would like to meet with you on the construction site in Boston on Monday if you're available of course.-

I could hear Williams in the background speaking on the phone, so that's why she was being so professional.

-Um... I'll have to check my schedule Katrina, I have other sites to visit-

-I'm aware of that. But you promised to make this particular project your priority Mr. Walton.- she said pointedly earning a sigh from me.

As much as I was happy to see her name flash on my screen minutes ago, I just felt irritated and wanted nothing but to end the discussion.

-Fine. I'll be there Monday, but I'll have to check what time I can get there. Or is that also a problem Miss Johnson?- I heard her gasp and regretted being so rude to her, she was just doing her job after all.

She cleared her throat –Mr. Williams is sending you his private jet. He needs you here before noon. You might want to come prepared for spending a night, Mr. Walton. I'll email the details to your assistant.-

-Stay the night? That wasn't part of the deal!-

-You can always fly home on Monday only to fly back on Tuesday sir.-

Oh she's enjoying this too much, where's the shy girl? –Fine I'll be there and no need to send the jet, I have my own.-


"Mason! Your food is getting cold honey!" I looked back at Helena and nodded.

-Oh I'm sorry I interrupted your dinner Mason, I had no choice but to call now.-

-So now we're back to Mason? I don't get you, Katrina.- I said exasperated.

-No need to. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he'll want you to stay at least a couple of nights so come prepared. Sorry again for interrupting your dinner with your girlfriend. Good night.- she said it all in a rush and hang up.

How rude is that? I stared at my phone for a few seconds before going back to eat my food. So she thought I was with my girlfriend? I was about to dial her number back when Emily came over and gave me a thank you card. Every time I got her a present she made me a cute thank you card, it was so sweet.

"Thank you, Emily, I love it, I'll hang it with the others." I pecked her cheek and took her hand joining the others.

"What was that about?" Mason asked finishing his food.

"It was William's assistant, he wants me to fly to Boston on Monday and stay the night for some reason."

"Williams assistant?" Helena asked with a grin as she brought dessert.

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