Chapter 8: It's intoxicating!

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Katrina Johnson

I slammed the door to my apartment kicking off my heels and throwing off my suit jacket on the table along with my purse and phone. How stupid was I to act like that? Why did it bother me that she was all over him? It's not like he's mine or anything, and even if he was, I was never the jealous type! With a groan, I freed my hair from the tight bun letting it flow over my shoulders as I went to the living room to look for Blacky. I found him sitting on Scarlett's lap purring as she eyed me suspiciously.


"Hey, don't bite me, I didn't do anything to you. Who are you angry at?" Scarlett asked scratching Blacky's head.

"At myself!" I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes.

"Why are you angry at yourself babe?" I opened my eyes seeing Pablo walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and glasses.

"What are we celebrating?" I asked my best friend as he started pouring us drinks. Pablo and I went together to Harvard, and when I failed the bar he passed it. He was now a great lawyer doing his best to make partner in the firm he works at.

"Nothing, I heard you throwing your stuff around I thought a glass of wine would relax you a bit. Who was it today, Natalie or her brother?"

I shook my head "Remember the guy I told you about? The one who always tried to speak to me in high school but I wouldn't let him?"

"Yeah, I remember faintly. What about him?"

"I remember, he's the son of that billionaire, what was his name? Oh yes, Zachary Walton. I still don't understand why you kept running from him." Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Scar, I just didn't want to be with him."

Pablo and Scarlett looked at each other and grinned "anyway, tell me what happened?"

"Stop grinning like idiots!" I rolled my eyes at them "He made a business deal with my boss, which means I'll be seeing him every week."

"Aha! That means no more running princess" Pablo chuckled sitting down next to me.

"Exactly! And to top it all off, it seems like he hasn't given up on me. And as stupid as I am, I went out for coffee with him, I even helped him pick a tux and everything was going well until his assistant showed up and I had to act all jealous! I mean why on earth would I do that? And oh boy he was angry! He was damn angry it was scary." I was now pacing the living room back and forth like a madwoman.

Pablo set down his glass and turned to look at me, I hated when he did that, it only meant he was studying me, he was dissecting me in his mind trying to understand what I was thinking or feeling.

"Darling, all these years you've been running from him never giving him a chance because you knew if you did you'd fall for him. Don't you dare object. We all know it's the truth. Right Scar?" My treacherous sister nodded in approval. "And now that you actually spent time with him, all those hidden feelings are catching up to you, so it's normal to feel jealous."

I let out a frustrated sigh as I sat down and gulped the rest of my drink. I hid my face in a pillow before letting out a scream.

Pablo took away my pillow shaking his head "Would you at least tell me why you don't want to have feelings for him? If after all these years he's still trying to be with you that should mean something don't you think?"

"It means he's waiting for nothing! We're nothing alike, not in race, not in color, not in status, not in money, not in nothing!" I rose on my feet briskly "I have a party to attend so I'm going to get ready, and I don't want you two talking about this while I'm inside!"

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