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【If someone tells me one more time
"Enjoy your youth, " I'm gonna cry】

Y/N had been pretty confident that she would make it into U.A. when she had made the bet, but the closer the entrance exam got the more nervous she got about it. This wasn't just about doing something just for the fun of it, this was starting to get personal. This was about her own pride now. She had to make it in and she had to manage to get kicked out before the first semester ended. And apparently just dropping out wasn't a choice, she had to really fuck up and get herself expelled. Y/N wasn't quite sure how difficult that would be, but this was U.A., right? Everyone wanted to go there. So it just seemed logical that they had a low tolerance for bullshit, right?

At least she hoped so. To Y/N it seemed like a much bigger challenge to get into U.A. than to get kicked out. She would soon find out that that was not the case, but at this moment in the story she firmly believed that once she had managed to get into the hero course she had basically already won the whole thing. Now since she was posing as a transfer student from a different school that wanted to do her last year at U.A. things were actually a little easier for her than just applying to join for the first year (which she would never have gotten away with, because she looked too old to be 15). All she had to do was hand in her papers and her grades (which were phenomenal, because she had been doing pretty well in high school), sit an interview (easy, Y/N was good at bullshitting people) and do a practical exam to show off her abilities.

And she ended up passing it all with flying colours. Y/N wasn't really sure how she had managed to do it. It didn't take long until she had the acceptance letter in her mailbox and then she was already packing her bags to get to Musutafu. It was still pretty insane to her that she had managed to get in that easily. With faked papers, too. Honestly, she couldn't really believe that it was all real. But it seemed she had to go to U.A. now and she would have her first day of school soon. She could barely believe that she had managed to sign up to go to school again. Something about that fact was already making her feel sick to the stomach.

But it was all no use. Here she was, standing in front of the doors of U.A., in a new school uniform. Y/N couldn't believe that she was going to do this. Sure, she had said she wanted to spend a semester in this school being a real troublemaker, seeing how far she could push things, but now that it was actually serious... it seemed like a pretty difficult thing to do. Sure, she knew that there were literally no serious consequences for her, but it still seemed like something that didn't come natural to her. But she had made her bed and now she had to lie in it, too.

Y/N sighed and started walking towards the entrance, making her way inside the school. She had tried her best to memorise the layout of the building, so she'd find her classroom quickly, but this place was huge. And Y/N's memory wasn't great when it came to memorising maps or routes. That was one of the things that had been incredibly hard for her during her work study - she found it way too difficult to just find her way around a certain part of the town. It just seemed impossible to her. But it didn't really matter if she was late, right? That was the whole point of this after all.

So she just wandered around the corridors until she heard the bell and then the masses of students were gone all of a sudden and she could finally focus on finding her way to class. Every door in this damn building looked the same and every hallway looked exactly the same, too. It was driving her absolutely insane. How did anyone know where to go? Surely she couldn't be the only one that was this late, right? There had to be at least some other people that wouldn't know where to go... some first years or something... God, Y/N already hated the thought of her being the only student in her class that was going to be late. And she was new, as well.

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