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【I'm looking out for cosmos
I'm hoping that we get along】

It took Y/N a while to figure out just where she was and what exactly had happened when she woke up in a strange apartment that she didn't really know. But after a few seconds of blinking away the bright daylight, she managed to remember bit by bit what had happened last night - going to the bar, the talk, the drinks and then going back to Shouta's apartment. It was only then that Y/N noticed, drowsy as she was, that someone was hugging her from the back.

She turned as much as she could and glanced over her shoulder, seeing Shouta still asleep and hugging her tightly. Y/N smiled and turned back, looking around the room. She had dropped her bag somewhere near the apartment door and her phone was in there, so she couldn't even get her phone right now and check if anyone had sent her any messages or scroll through social media until Shouta woke up. All she could really do was lie here and hope that he was going to wake up before she got too bored from just staring at the wall all morning.

Not that she minded too much. She liked being cuddled up like this and she was still a bit drowsy. Maybe she'd be able to just fall asleep again and nap for a little longer. That would have been nice... if she hadn't been incredibly thirsty. For water, that was. She really wanted to just go and get a glass of water, check her texts to see if anyone was looking for her and then go back to bed to nap for a little longer and then... maybe see where the day would take her and Shouta. If he wasn't busy. Y/N hadn't even thought about the fact that he might have things to do.

Wasn't today a school day? Y/N had no idea. She generally didn't have much of an idea what day of the week it was, ever since she had gotten expelled from U.A. Not going to school had really fucked up her perception of time and space. Everything seemed to exist in some weird sort of timeless continuum. Whether it was day or night didn't matter. The time of day didn't matter. Even if she was hungry and had run out of food - she was living in Musutafu right now, there was always a Kombini that was open 24/7. She didn't have to worry about any of that. It was almost a bit like things had been back home when she hadn't been doing anything after high school. Just lying there, sleeping and eating whenever she wanted (which was usually at the most bizarre times). Rules didn't apply to her anymore. She could eat a steak at 3 in the morning, who was going to stop her? People were just glad she left her room.

But Y/N knew that it was probably better for her to leave those days behind her and not repeat them ever again. Having a steak at 3 am was fun, but it had also messed up her entire internal clock. And it hadn't helped her become less depressed than she already was. It actually made it all even worse, because she just had nothing to do. Nothing at all. She should find something she could do, even if it was just a hobby. Something she could imagine doing for the rest of her life. But the only thing she could think of in those terms was Shouta. And even then she didn't know if this was just a phase or if they were really going to stay together.

She'd have to find out. She'd have to see how things would develop. Maybe she'd be able to stay with him for a while. Get a part-time job to get in the habit of doing something, to just get some sort of routine. And then she could maybe figure out what she wanted to do. And at the same time she could keep seeing Shouta. It seemed like a win-win for her and for him, since he'd be able to see her all the time, too. If he wanted that. Y/N was sure that they wouldn't even see that much of each other with him working two jobs at the same time and all, so maybe it didn't even matter.

"Morning..." she suddenly heard him mumbling. She almost jumped a little, as she hadn't expected him to be awake just yet. He had looked like he was fast asleep when she had looked over, but maybe the movement had actually woken him up. Either way, at least she could get a glass of water now.

"Morning, Shou. Is it okay if I get myself a glass of water from your kitchen?" Y/N asked him. She didn't want to be rude and just rummage through his cupboards in search of a glass that she could use, so she figured it would be best to ask, but the question seemed a little weird at the same time, considering they had hooked up the night before, after a long period of Y/N faking being his student.

"Sure. But only if you stay for a few more minutes. You're comfy." he mumbled against the skin of her neck. Y/N chuckled and turned around, so she was facing him and could nuzzle into his chest. He smelled so good. If Y/N hadn't been so thirsty she felt like she could have been lying here all day, cuddled up to Shouta. She barely even wanted to move. But she was thirsty and she also didn't want anyone to call the police because she wasn't replying to texts.

"I really need to get up, though. I need some water, I have to make sure that none of my friends are desperately looking for me. I'll be right back, okay?" she answered. Shouta sighed, but then finally let go of her.

"Fine. You have five minutes." he muttered and turned around again. Y/N smiled and quickly got up, so she could get back into bed as quickly as possible. She thought about picking up some of her clothes on the way, but then she figured that there was no point, since she was getting back in bed, anyway.

Y/N made her way to the kitchen and started looking through the cupboards until she found some small glasses. She grabbed one of them and filled it up with tap water and greedily chugged down the water, before filling the glass up once more. She was really, really thirsty. She really couldn't believe that she was this parched, but she had been drinking a good bit of alcohol last night and it wasn't like her and Shouta had some tea when they came home at the end of the night.

When she was finally done, gulping down large amounts of water she went to find her bag and her phone which was on its last 10% of battery. Just about enough to last for a little while longer. Y/N checked if she had any messages, but it seemed like no one was too worried about her. She didn't really have any new messages and there were just a few that she had left unanswered for several days, because she just hadn't felt like responding to them. They weren't going to be too worried, if they hadn't been worrying the last few days, so it didn't really matter. With a sigh Y/N put the phone back into her bag and got another glass of water, carrying it back to the bedroom and putting it down on the bedside table, as Shouta turned back around to her.

"You just about made it in time." he said. Y/N grinned and climbed back into bed, under the warm covers. Shouta wasted no time wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him. Y/N nuzzled against his chest again, feeling his warmth. It made her feel drowsy again.

"Do you have any plans for today, Shou?" she wanted to know. He kissed the top of her head.

"No, no plans at all. Do you have any plans?" he asked. Y/N shook her head. That was great news... that meant...

"Amazing. So we can just stay in bed all day?" Shouta wanted to know.

"Yeah, sure. I didn't know you were a big fan of that."

"Staying in bed all day is literally the one thing I work all week for. I love staying in bed and having nothing to do. I wish I could do it all the time." he said. Y/N laughed. This was great. This was perfect.

"Well, isn't it great that it's one of my favourite things to do as well?"

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