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【No one knows who you are
Just another girl alone at the bar】

The school day seemed to pass very, very slowly. Y/N wasn't sure why that was, but she couldn't wait for it to be over, specifically because Shouta had told her to meet in front of the bar they had met in yesterday. They needed to talk and Y/N agreed - they really did need to sort this out or Shouta would get into a lot of trouble. Plus, Y/N really didn't like the awkwardness of this situation. Sure, she should have thought of that before coming onto him, but... well, how was she supposed to know that he apparently did have a thing for her and wouldn't expel her?

Plus, she still wanted to fuck him, even after she got "expelled". It was mostly the being in U.A. and having to sneak around and hide and having everyone else make wild assumptions about her private life that bothered Y/N. Maybe she could tell Shouta to just expel her and then her parents would enrol her in a different school and they could be together anyway, because he wouldn't be her teacher anymore and she was of legal age anyway. And maybe she'd tell him what was really going on at some point, but she didn't want to ruin her chances for some good sex.

At the same time Y/N felt like she had ruined everything from the start, because she came to U.A. under a completely false pretence. She had been lying from the start, so why would she expect things to go well for her? Why would she expect Shouta to trust her with anything else? This whole bet had been a bad idea, but then again how could she have known that she was going to crush on one of her teachers? There was no way for her to know that this was going to happen, so all she could really hope for was for Shouta to be as understanding as possible. Not that she thought it was really going to happen. After all, she wouldn't be understanding with herself, if she was in his situation, but she could always hope that he'd be different.

Once the day was finally over, Y/N ignored everyone of her classmates that was trying to talk to her (not like there were a lot of them) and quickly packed up all her things and made her way out of the school and to the train station, so she could meet Shouta outside the bar where they had made out last night. She had no idea what to expect from this meeting, but she just hoped that it was going to go well for her. She wanted to get it out of the way and she also wanted to see him again outside of school, because that was way less awkward than in school.

When she got to the bar she could already see him waiting for her there, leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette. He was smoking it pretty quickly and Y/N could only conclude that he was pretty nervous about this. She hadn't even known that he smoked. If he did, he didn't do it regularly, anyway. Y/N could never really smell any smoke off him, not that she would have minded since she smoked occasionally herself. Either way, he looked good with a cigarette between his lips. As she was thinking that, he looked over at her and gave her a small, awkward wave. Y/N walked up to him a little faster than before, suddenly very aware of how she looked.

"Hey! Sorry for being a bit late, teacher kept us a few minutes too long." Y/N told him. It wasn't even a lie, their Science teacher always did this and she was sure that Shouta knew about it. Every teacher had to know about it, there was no way that they were unaware of this. A lot of the students had already complained about it, apparently, because they ended up missing buses and got back home super late. But of course nothing ever changed with that teacher.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad to see you." Shouta said to her and threw his finished cigarette away. Y/N went to hug him, but Shouta gestured for her not to do it. She stepped back a little, looking at the ground in embarrassment. So that's how it was going to go? He was going to break up with her, wasn't he? She should have known it. Shouta was too much of a good person to keep up a secret affair with one of his students. She didn't know what she expected.

"What did you want to talk about?" Y/N wanted to know, trying to act as if him rejecting a hug didn't affect her.

"You know exactly what this is about. We need to stop. We can't be together. It's just not right." he told her.

"We're not breaking any laws. All we need to do is to keep it a secret for the rest of the year and then we can do whatever we want. I'm over 18 and I'll soon be done with school and then you won't be my teacher anymore." she replied. Shouta just shook his head decisively. He seemed to have made up his mind.

"No, Y/N. We can't do this. I only just started this teaching job, I can't afford to get in trouble and I also don't want to be that guy that sleeps with his students, you know? I don't know what happened yesterday, I was obviously way too drunk, but we have to stop. If we get caught or if either of us slips up, we'll be in a lot of trouble. Not just me, you'll be in trouble, too. I don't want that."

"Expel me, then." Y/N said to him. It seemed like the logical step to her right now. She had no idea why it hadn't occurred to her earlier, but it was the best option they had. Best option for her and for him.

"What?" Shouta wanted to know, acting as if he hadn't heard her probably. He seemed to think that it was an absurd idea.

"Expel me. Simple as that. I honestly don't enjoy U.A. that much and I want to be together with you. Expel me from the school. You can say that I was harassing you or whatever, my parents will find a different school I can enrol in. And then we can do whatever we want, because you're not my teacher anymore. Problem solved." Y/N told him. Shouta looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

"No. Absolutely not. I won't do that. Your education is important, Y/N, I'm not going to expel you. We just can't be together anymore. If you're that insistent and if this is more than a simple crush, we can talk about it again when you finish high school. But before that it's probably better if we stay as far away from each other as possible. Okay?" he said. Y/N grinned and took a step closer to him.

"And that's why you asked me to come here? To this place? Outside of school?" she wanted to know.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Shouta answered, but there was a light blush on his cheeks. Y/N took another step towards him, playing with a strand of his hair. This time he didn't push her away.

"Don't be stupid, Shouta. You didn't ask me here for nothing. You still want me. I know you still want me. Stop trying to hide it and stop trying to talk me out of this. You want to fuck me, and you know what? I'm absolutely down." she replied, her body so close to his now that she was basically pressed up against him. And once again she could see the resolve in his eyes dwindling. She was going to win this, no matter what it would take from her. She wanted him and she was going to get him.

"You're going to drive me insane. You know we shouldn't do this. We shouldn't even be meeting like this..." he said, his eyes wandering from her eyes to her lips, down her body. Y/N grinned smugly and pulled him closer to her, their lips almost touching now. She could feel his breath on her lips and she could feel his heartbeat against her chest and it was intoxicating.

"Stop talking. Just kiss me, you can regret it all later." she mumbled, before pressing her lips against his and capturing him in a deep and hungry kiss that left both of them breathless. Shouta cursed under his breath and switched their positions, so Y/N was pinned against the wall by him, before kissing her again, even more hungrily than the first time.

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