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【What's the fun in playing it safe?
I think I'd rather misbehave】

Y/N didn't stay much longer after that. She was getting tired and she had school again in the morning. Plus, she wanted to actually show up for homeroom. And she still wanted to get that drink on the way home, before it got too dark and cold outside. After all, she wasn't really dressed for the cold evenings. She hadn't thought she'd be out so late at all, but it seemed that Akiko and Yamaji had a lot of questions after they had seen her with Aizawa. Rightfully so. Y/N would have had questions, too. It was just way more annoying to be at the receiving end of said questions.

There was a nice little bar on her way home that was good for just getting some privacy and a drink and it only added a few minutes to her way home, so Y/N decided to pop in there and warm up a little before making the last bit of her way home. People there already knew her, more or less, so they wouldn't even make a fuss about her being in the bar. It was a nice little spot to get away from everything. And she needed to get away from everything right now.

She needed to get away from the endless questioning of her friends and from her own mess of a life. She had to focus on getting normal again and getting back into her role as a U.A. transfer student. After all, she had to go to homeroom again the next day and she needed her energy, so she could keep living rent free in Aizawa's head. And that wasn't easy when she had to think of about a million other things that all had to do with her hiding her real identity. Pretending to be a high schooler when she wasn't a high schooler anymore was really exhausting.

Y/N took a deep breath when she walked into the bar, taking in the smell of alcohol and smoke that surrounded her. She honestly couldn't stand it when her clothes smelled of smoke after a night out, but right now it felt good. It felt like she was coming to some sort of parallel universe where she didn't have to worry about anything. Y/N even noticed that her regular spot in a dark corner was free, so that was a treat. She smiled and walked up to the bar to get herself a drink.

"Y/N! What can I get you? The usual?" the bartender greeted her, as he came walking over. Y/N smiled.

"Yup, the usual. You know me too well." she replied with a laugh. The bartender nodded and went to get her her favourite beer, as Y/N rummaged through her back to get her card, so she could pay.

"Well, it's quite the surprise to see you here." she suddenly heard someone next to her saying. Y/N froze. She knew this voice. She knew who this was. And her suspicion was confirmed as she looked up and saw him sitting there, nursing a glass of beer. Shouta Aizawa.

"Mr. Aizawa, I... well... I guess you caught me." she replied and chuckled. She honestly had no idea how to explain this one away. Especially since Aizawa had just heard that she was a regular here.

"I guess I did... and it seems you come here often." Aizawa answered. Y/N couldn't answer immediately since she was getting her beer and had to pay - which also wasn't a good look, but there was nothing she could do now. Once she was done, she turned back to him, laughing in embarrassment.

"I'm not sure if you're about to give me a lecture or if you're coming onto me..." she said. Aizawa sighed and glanced at his beer. Y/N wondered how many he had before that glass already.

"Y/N, come on... not with so many people around. I'm way too drunk for this, but if you want to talk this out... let's go somewhere a little more private." he replied. Y/N couldn't believe she was hearing what she was hearing right now. And she felt bad, because she knew that whatever Aizawa was going to tell her, he was probably going to regret it in the morning, but she also wanted to see what she could get him to say or do... and then she wondered if it would be wrong to just roll with it, since Aizawa had been drinking. She didn't know. She had no idea.

"That's fine with me. Come on, follow me, I know a place." Y/N told him in a conspiratorial tone, before taking her glass and making her way towards her favourite little corner. It was a very private corner, so it should be perfect for... well, whatever it was that Aizawa wanted to do.

She put her drink down on the table and sat down, watching Aizawa sit down on the chair next to her. He seemed to be more pensive than usual, but for some reason she also found him a million times more attractive than usual right now and that was a big achievement, because she always found him hot as fuck. Especially now that he was looking up at her with an expression in his eyes that Y/N couldn't quite place but that was almost magnetic to her.

"Y/N, I... damn it, I shouldn't be here with you. I shouldn't even be telling you any of this, but... I know you have a crush on me and I like you a lot and I think I also like you that way and... I don't know what to do about it. I don't know. We can't..." he started saying, but Y/N noticed his eyes wandering down to her lips. He had no idea what he was doing to her, she was sure of that. This was driving her insane. She just wanted him so much right now and it was probably the alcohol, too, but... damn it.

"We could... we could just keep it a secret, you know?" she replied, moving a little closer to him.

"This isn't fair. I don't know what it is about you, but... I just... I want you so much. I shouldn't want you this much, but I do and I don't know what to do about it and you're not making it easier on me. I'm trying. I'm really trying, Y/N."

"Well, maybe you just shouldn't try so hard..."

Y/N wasn't sure what she had been expecting or what she had been hoping for when she said it. But she sure wasn't going to complain about what she got. Aizawa's eyes wandered to her lips again and he put his hand over hers that was resting on the table, as they both moved closer to each other. Aizawa reached out to brush back a strand of her hair, before pulling her in for a heated kiss.

Y/N hadn't kissed a lot of people, but she had her fair share of good kisses and bad kisses and this kiss was excellent. She loved how demanding Aizawa was, the way his lips felt both rough and soft at the same time, the way he had pulled her in, the way his lips were moving against hers rhythmically... it was perfect. It felt like time had stopped and reality didn't exist anymore. Y/N had always believed that kisses like that weren't real, but here she was, experiencing one that was just like that.

When they broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers, taking deep breaths and looking into her eyes, his hand still resting at her neck. If he had asked anything of Y/N right now, she would have done it, no matter what it was. She could feel her own heart beating fast and she wouldn't have been surprised if everyone in a ten mile radius heard it, as well. It was thumping loudly and she was more out of breath than after her training in school. This was absolutely crazy.

"I'm so sorry. I... Tell me to stop if you don't want any of this, okay? Please tell me to stop, Y/N..." Aizawa mumbled. Y/N smiled and shook her head, entwining her own fingers in his hair, feeling for the first time just how soft it was. It was beautiful. And she never wanted him to stop.

"I'm not going to tell you to stop. I don't want you to stop." she told him. Aizawa pulled her even closer to him.

"Damn it, Y/N... I want you." he growled and kissed her again, even hungrier and even more passionate than the first time. Y/N really never wanted this to stop. Seeing Aizawa so desperate and hungry for her was... it made him even more attractive to her. She'd never be able to get over him.

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