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【You are the fugitive
But you don't know what you're runnin' from】

Y/N hadn't expected that walking out would be this easy. She hadn't thought that she would just leave the school building and then be done with it. Sure, she was worried for a little while, but she quickly forgot about it and just moved on with her life. Since she didn't really have much else to do, either, Y/N just figured she'd grab a few beers and get some takeaway ramen and watch a nice movie at home, instead of bothering with her homework. It was time to enjoy life. Plus, she'd be getting in loads of trouble the next morning, so there was no point even trying to be on top of her work anymore. She could just let it all slide and hope she'd get expelled.

Even the next morning she felt surprisingly calm. Sure, she was a bit worried about homeroom, but Aizawa showed up and did his thing and that was it. He left again without saying anything to her or about her and Y/N wondered whether he had maybe just given up on her. She wouldn't be surprised. If she was her teacher, then she would have given up on herself, too. She just didn't really see why anyone would waste their time trying to get her to pay attention or to do her work. She wasn't even pretending to make an effort. If Aizawa gave up on her she honestly wouldn't be surprised. It seemed almost more stupid to keep trying with her.

She wondered what it might take for him to just give up. Looking at him, it didn't seem like it would take a lot for him to give up on life itself, so Y/N wasn't sure why he was being so stubborn about her. Still, the day went by and nothing happened. And then there was the lesson they all had with Aizawa, but once again nothing happened. He just held his lesson, ignoring her as much as he could get away with. Not that she was participating much in this class at all (mostly just to piss him off). Still, it seemed odd that there was basically no reaction whatsoever coming from him. Y/N didn't really trust that strange peace between them.

But the lesson went by and Aizawa was finishing up and Y/N was almost convinced that she was off the hook when she heard him saying her name. She looked up from her desk, not sure if she had heard that right or not. But from the way he was dismissively sorting through his papers, she was sure that he had said something to her. Plus, people were looking at her, wondering what she had done now. That was one of the things Y/N hated - everyone was so judgmental. Yes, they had a reason for it, but would it kill them to be a little more subtle about it?

"Yes, Sir?" she asked. Aizawa looked up at her, as if he had forgotten what he wanted to tell her.

"Please stay behind after class, I need to talk to you." was all he told her. Y/N was kind of glad that he wasn't going to do this in front of the entire class, because that would have been incredibly awkward. At least he was letting her have some dignity. She nodded and started packing her things away, as everyone else was heading out, some of them glancing back at her and whispering, as if they had the hottest tea of the entire school to spill. Kind of ridiculous.

"Hey, good luck with that. More detention, huh?" the guy sitting next to Y/N said, before getting up from his seat.

"Thanks. And fucked if I know if it'll be more detention or not." she answered with a shrug. The guy just laughed and sauntered outside of the classroom, closing the door behind him, since it was now only Y/N and Aizawa in the room. She honestly wasn't sure what to think of this. He had been scarily calm all day and Y/N wasn't sure whether that was a good sign or not.

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