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【I've got a feelin' I might have lit the very fuse
That you were tryin' not to light】

It didn't take Y/N too long to get herself back together. She spent the first half of the school day getting herself back together and making her plan to go and start hitting on Aizawa. She didn't care if it was selfish or not anymore, or at least that was what she told herself. If he got in trouble because he was going after a girl that he thought was his student, then he probably deserved it. It didn't really make a difference if Y/N was actually his student or not, right? He didn't know that she wasn't. So he would be fine as long as he continued being a good person.

Y/N was glad that lunch break was right before their next lesson with Aizawa. That meant she could go and fix herself up, make sure her hair looked good, maybe get her skirt a little bit shorter. Anything that might make it clear that she was trying to come on to Aizawa. There wasn't really much room left for doubt, because she needed to get expelled soon. Y/N wondered what she would do if he actually went for her. What if he wasn't as good and correct as she believed and... something happened? Honestly, Y/N wouldn't mind, but she wasn't sure how Aizawa would react. Because from his point of view all of this would be very, very wrong.

Either way, now wasn't really the time to worry about any of that. Y/N had gotten herself fixed up and she was ready to go out there and try to seduce her teacher that was the definition of grumpiness. She should probably put together some sort of plan of action, something that might work on him. If she was just being a brat, she was sure that it wasn't going to do anything for him. So she had to come up with some other act, something that he might fall for. The problem was that it was hard to tell what might be clear enough for him. It wasn't really that easy to read Aizawa, so Y/N wasn't going to have an easy time figuring him out, either.

She wondered whether it would work if she acted all innocent. If she acted like a good girl, maybe that would be a way to get to him... no. No, no, no. She wasn't trying to actually get with him. Not while she was still pretending to be his student, anyway. If that happened... well, it would be bad. Y/N couldn't believe how easily the lines were blurring for her already. Maybe this was a really stupid idea altogether. Maybe she should just give up and leave and go back home. So what if she lost the stupid bet? It wasn't going to be the end of the world, right? Except it would be for Y/N. She was too proud to just lose a simple bet like this. She'd have to win.

Maybe if she acted all repentant of her previous bad ways. Maybe that would work. If she made up a sob story about her home life and how things were difficult for her and how she was so grateful that Aizawa was being kind to her and all of that. That she was sorry she was giving him such a hard time and that she was going to try to do better. That if there was anything to make up for it... Y/N wanted to throw up just thinking about it. She had hoped that she had a little more self-respect than that, but apparently she didn't. Apparently she had no respect for herself at all. After all she was going to use cheesy lines like that to win a stupid bet.

The problem really was that she kind of had started taking a liking to Aizawa and now she was cringing at herself for doing what she was thinking of doing. She knew that he would never ever actually consider being with her after all of this had blown over with what she was about to do. But that was just a thing she couldn't change. She had to win the stupid bet. If she didn't win... well, she'd never live it down for starters and Y/N was way too vain to just lose a bet like that.

Either way, it was too late to get doubts like that. Class was almost over and after class was when Y/N would be making her move, so she'd have to mentally prepare right now and not a minute later. She took a deep breath, just as the bell rang. Everyone else sprang up and started packing up their things to quickly move onto the next class. Y/N didn't care if she was going to be late for that or not. She took her sweet time packing everything up and when the last few students were heading out of the door, she got up and walked up to Aizawa who was taking some notes in one of his books.

"Uhm... Mr. Aizawa?" she asked, doing her best to give him the most innocent looking puppy eyes she could come up with. Aizawa looked up and gave her a questioning look. Y/N just bit her lip and waited, acting as if she was nervous. Well, she didn't have to act all that much. She was pretty nervous. She had never considered flirting her forte and this felt especially awkward.

"What is it, Y/N?" he wanted to know finally. Y/N took a deep breath and looked down at the desk, as if this was a really difficult thing for her to say. It wasn't as difficult as she pretended, after all she actually meant what she was going to say right now. That made this part a little easier.

"I just... I wanted to thank you... you know, for the other day and everything and... well, I don't know, I just realised that things could have ended really badly with me being that drunk and... I just... I wanted to thank you." she answered and looked up at him, heat rising into her cheeks. Aizawa seemed surprised and maybe a little flustered...? Maybe Y/N was just imagining it.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. I couldn't have just left you to your own devices. You're still my student after all, even if you're not the easiest student." he replied. Y/N was sure she could see a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, but he kept it under control. She chuckled quietly and nodded.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for giving you such a hard time, it's just... I don't know, I find it so difficult to find my place here and to properly get along with everyone and... the move was just really sudden. I don't mean to be so difficult, I just can't really help it sometimes and I'm really sorry about it, because... well, because I really like you and I don't want to give you this much trouble, I really don't..." she said, playing with a lock of her hair. She could feel even more heat rising to her cheeks and she could see Aizawa looking around nervously, his eyes catching on the strand of her hair that was wrapped around her finger.

"Don't worry about it. It's not like I signed up for being a teacher without knowing that things might get a little difficult here and there. Just... try and stick to the rules, at least a little bit, okay? I'll try my best to help you get settled in, but you're going to have to work with me, too." he said to her. Y/N nodded enthusiastically and leaned forward a little more, her face dangerously close to Aizawa's.

"Of course, Sir! I'll do my best to work with you. Thank you for trying for so long with me. I don't know how you have the patience for it... Would it be okay if I gave you a hug, Sir?" she asked. Now she could see a slight blush spreading over Aizawa's cheeks. He was hesitating with his answer, too. He had definitely caught on that she was trying to hit on him. Or he was confused.

"I don't know, if that..."

Y/N ignored what he was going to say and leaned over the desk, pulling him into a loose hug that lasted just a few seconds too long. She quickly let go of him and smiled widely, chuckling a little, before waving at him and turning around to leave the classroom. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she pulled off many more stunts like this one. She already hated herself.

"Thanks, Mr. Aizawa! You're the best!"

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