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SH is very serious
Self harm is a sensitive topic
Self harm is common
Self diagnosing is common too

I hate to say it and I'm not labelling
But I've been itching at the idea
In the shower when you turn the water warmer
And it gets to hot, hotter than the comforting hot
That's where it burns and I don't know why but I just stand there and take it
Making it hotter to see how far I can go
Getting dizzy and nauseous stepping out with all your skin red
I also found a blade in the bathroom and used it once
I'll never use it again because it's pointless and either way no matter where you use it
Somebody will see and will point it or know it
That's shameful nobody wants that

As much as I want to do it, I don't
Because as shamefully helpful as it is
I don't just because people will see
If I had a guarantee of secret
It would be mayhem
To avoid the questions
To avoid the attention
Just don't
You can burn
You can hit and punch
Because not many question that

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