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Levi's p.o.v

"I want to have your babies." Petra purred as she slung herself on the leather sofa that must have costed thousands of dollars. Levi's nose curled up in disgust as he heard those repulsive words come out of her filthy mouth.

Levi didn't say anything as he continued scanning over investment papers from his company and offers from other big name companies. Levi didn't want to give her his babies, and he sure as hell didn't have any thoughts of settling down any time soon.

"Petra, please be quiet. I'm doing office work and I would appreciate if you could close your mouth for a second." Levi muttered as he sighed and rubbed his temples. She had been at his feet all morning, begging for a round or two.

"Well, I'm kind of horny right now."She purred, rubbing her hands down her body. In her mind, she imagined herself sexy as hell, making any man man fall down in lust but that wasn't the case.

"The bathroom is over there, you know where it is. Just remember to wash you hands and clean up your mess." Levi bit back. Petra sighed and crossed her legs, seeing how pointless it was to try to get him to sleep with her.

Levi set the rules. He does it when he feels like it, and right now, he didn't feel like it. He had too much on his plate, and he didn't need anymore stress on his shoulders as it is.

The intercom buzzed on the table, making Levi's eyes snap to it. He read the digital wording, seeing that it was his guardian Erwin Smith, he decided to see what the bastard wanted.

"I'll be back, don't touch anything." Levi looked at Petra, seeing her pout on the sofa. Levi shrugged it off and walked out of his office and down the hallway to Erwin's office.

Every worker greeted Levi with a smile, showing how much they admired him, and it was true- more than anything in the world. Levi didn't see why people looked at him that way, but ever since this company opened and gave a lot of jobs, ridding this town of a high unemployment rate, everyone loved him.

Levi nodded and continued to walk down the long hallways, going all the way down where another lone office was at the end. Levi knocked once and entered, looking at the well dressed man with blonde hair.

"Levi, this is urgent. This is something that we cannot ignore, no matter how many times you have pushed it aside." Erwin exclaimed, getting up out of the office chair and went in front of the desk.

Levi huffed, groaning as he paced back and forth, fingers wrapped around his raven colored hair as he tugged at the strands.

This was something that he didn't need,

Your p.o.v

"(F/n) are you fucking serious!" Eren paced back and forth in front of the television. You watched him grumbled and mutter words under his breath, shaking his head and biting his lip.

"It's not a bad idea Eren."You whispered, leaning into the couch as you watched your best friend throw a tantrum. He was acting like a child, and you didn't want to deal with him.

"Eren, think about it. Me having a baby is just a normal natural thing and I'm tired of being rejected and being told I'm not worth being a wife. If I'm your best friend, you should be supporting me through this." You exclaimed, wiping tears from your cheek.

You had never seen him like this, you didn't know if it was from the alcohol or just him acting out. Eren had been calm and collected as a child when you two were growing up together, he wasn't the kind of person to freak out over something as simple as this.

"Eren please let me speak-" You were cut of by him walking up to you and hugging you. You were shocked by this action, but you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"If you do this, I don't want to be friends any longer." He whispered, sobbing into your shoulder. You were taken aback by those words, removing yourself from his grasp and touch.

You looked into those turquoise eyes and shook your head."Why?" You bit your lip, trying to keep more tears and sobs at bay. He looked down as if he was ashamed to even look at you, as if you were an abomination for even saying that you wanted to have a baby from the sperm bank.

"I-I just don't believe in it. I feel like you're polluting my mind if you do this, its not natural." Eren said in a hushed tone. You shook your head and then nodded, finding a rush of anger go through your body.

"Fine." You walked away and threw away your coffee cup in Eren's trash bin. You stomped to the door and looked at Eren, seeing him in this state was unnatural,and for what reason, you didn't know why.

Your eyes wandered to the kitchen,seeing something tucked behind the microwave from where you were standing. You looked at it and then looked at Eren again.

You rushed into the kitchen and quickly unplugged the microwave, pulling the cord out of the socket and pushing it to the side, revealing a baggy filled with a needle and a white powder inside.

You pinched the top, making the bag move from its hidey-hole and into view. Eren was in the archway, watching your shocked face as you looked at the contents.

"Eren Jaegar." You gasped, looking at him with tears in your eyes. He looked down at his arm and looked back up into your eyes whispering in a soft tone.

"Help me please." And those were the last words he said, before passing out on the floor.


I know, this chapter is pure shit.

I pulled this out of my ass and expected it to be good, using ideas from people who helped me and such.

If any of you wants to help me with relationship advice, because I need it, my kik is Hugs_for_hippies.

Remember to vote, comment and follow on this crappy story!


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