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Edited 1/28/15

You woke up with a jump, your heart pounding out of its chest. The sound of a horn blaring from outside had disturbed your beauty sleep, and to think that you had today off to relax and to sleep in.

You had fallen asleep on the couch after binge watching Netflix and eating a tub of ice cream. You wiped the drool on your face decided to check your phone.

Four missed calls and fifteen text messages. Your eyes widened slightly as you checked the call log and contacts. Three of the calls were from Eren and one call was from that douche of your ex.

Five text messages came from your douche ex-boyfriend and the rest came from Eren, who was wondering if everything was okay.You decided to call him and give him some peace of mind.

He answered on the third ring.

"You bitch, you woke up my beauty sleep and my one night stand.” Eren joked around as you smiled at his comment.

"We all know that nobody is there Eren."You stated, biting your tongue from laughing out loud. You heard Eren scoff on the other line.

"Anyways, do you want to get some coffee? It's my treat.” Eren yelled into the phone, making your head start to have a dull throb. You groaned and nursed your head by massaging your temple.

"Sure, why not."You mumbled as you checked the time on your phone. It was ten o'clock in the morning. You sighed as Eren was fussing about how you didn't call him. Of course, you told him the truth but to him it seemed fake.

"I don't know, that sounds pretty cliché to me."Eren pointed out while you rolled your eyeballs on the other line.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me."He stated. You looked around the room to make sure that he didn't sneak in while you were asleep.

"Well I'm telling the truth okay. I'm not lying Eren, I really did watch the notebook while eating ice cream and it was some good ice cream too."You told Eren. You heard him snort on the other line before belting.

"Ew, you pig. I'll meet you at the coffee shop okay?"You reconfirmed with Eren. He said his goodbye and hung up on you and with that, you got ready for the day.

You took the tub of ice cream that was finished to the kitchen where you dropped the spoon in the sink and the container in the garbage.

You smacked your hands on your cheeks to wake you up, but you winced as your hand made contact with the skin. You walked to your bedroom and opened up the closet. You changed into some jeans and a T-shirt which was pretty comfortable for this occasion.

You brushed your teeth and out in some natural make up before walking back into the kitchen to grab your purse and keys.

You locked the top and bottom lock of your front door before walking to the elevator where your other neighbor Sasha was.

"Hey (F/n)!"She beamed as you noticed you walk out of your door. You threw her a smile before walking to where she was on the elevator.

The elevator made a beeping noise before opening its doors. You and Sasha walked in and began to chat away about good restaurants around the area.

"You're going to that cafe with Eren? I heard that the place was very good and that even celebrity's go there to get coffee." Sasha carried on her conversation while you just nodded every time.

"How are you and that guy you're dating?” Sasha asked, you bit your lip and turned to her. She looked at you with a questionable look.

"We broke up."You simply said. The elevator stopped and dinged, making you walk off it as fast as you could. You walked outside before she could talk to you again.

And with that, you ended the conversation and hailed a taxi and took off to the cafe where Eren was waiting for you.

The traffic held you up for about ten minutes. Eren had texted you to see where you were, but you only had to mention traffic and he understood completely.

The taxi driver parked on the curve after the traffic cleared up. You paid the man and got out of the car, clinging on your jacket for warmth. You walked a block to the Cafe where Sasha had blabbed about.

You walked to the entrance and sighed when you had seen a long line of people waiting outside. Eren texted you to walk inside, but an angry shout made you freeze in your place.

"Hey, no cutting!” An angry pedestrian yelled at you. You explained that your friend was already inside, but they wouldn't let you in.

You sighed and clung to your jacket once more, but someone grabbed your hand, making you swivel around to look at the assaulter that was about to get his or her ass kicked.

"She's with me." And that person left you awe struck.


I'm sorry it's a filler but I'm trying to progress the story where I can begin writing the story line.

How is it so far?

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