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Levi's p.o.v

The air was crisp.

The paparazzi had surrounded him as he was seen walking the streets of the busy city along side Petra. He knew deep in his mind that Petra and him were going to be on almost all the magazine covers.

Petra smiled, her eyes covered by sunglasses as she casually walked beside Levi, his arm was hung around her waist in a protective manor as the paparazzi side-stepped along beside them, leaving a reasonable amount of distance between the couple and themselves.

The air had become colder of the days; it had been three weeks after his trip to the sperm bank. To his demise, they hadn't called saying that it was used yet.

Levi was without a doubt relieved when the paparazzi didn't catch him, after all, he didn't want some dazed and crazy woman chasing after him with his child in her belly.

His father still chastised him for not coming up with the money, but he simply told his father it was a thing that came with time. His father was reluctant but agreed to waiting longer.

Levi and Petra were heading to a restaurant since Petra had unwillingly told the cook to go home for the evening. She knew Levi wouldn't have a sour mood if they were in public.

He opened the door for her, letting her walk in, and then him in suit. He already made reservations for the restaurant from the house. Of course it was booked heavily for 3 months, but with the mention of his name and money, he got the best spot in the restaurant.

The waiter guided Petra and Levi to the back of the restaurant, away from the windows so the paparazzi wouldn't snap pictures of them. The paparazzi however, could not go inside and disturb the blooming couple.

Levi pulled out Petra's chair for her, letting her sit down and then going to his spot across from her. The waiter gave them the best wine they could find, serving it to them and then leaving to give them privacy.

Petra's finger moved around the top of the cup, going round and round as she pursed her lips. Silence had fallen between them.

"So Rivaille, when are we going to get married?" Petra's voice lingered as she took a sip of her wine.

Levi almost choked when he heard her say that, after all, marriage was a huge commitment. He didn't answer, but merely kept sipping at his wine.

Petra's leg started to brush Levi's thigh under the table, but with a quick bitten back response, she immediately stopped and cowered in her seat.

" Marriage is a very big deal Petra. I'm not ready for that commitment yet." He simply replied, ignoring her pained facial expression.

She huffed and continued to sip her wine, signaling the waiter to take their orders. The waiter quickly took their orders and rushed back into the kitchen.

"Don't worry Levi, that time will come soon."


Your p.o.v

Your eyes scanned over the laptop screen. You had found a close sperm bank nearby, not even 20 minutes away.

You had researched everything there was when it came to this. You had already set up an appointment with the gynecologist to make sure everything was okay with your body.

You were beyond excited with this idea. It was time for you to make a change in your life. After what went down with your mother, you just needed to cut out all of the stress in your life.

You wrote down the number and address of the sperm bank and minimized the Web page on the computer.

Hopefully everything in your life was going to go smooth and steady with this baby in your life.

Everything was going to be okay, but little did you know, this pregnancy will add even more chaos to your hectic life.


I need to talk to you guys about something.

Stop adding characters from different animes in the comments.

For example,

" I don't even want Levi anymore!* grabs Hide and runs*"

Stop spamming the comment section with crap.

Or this, I know you might have a bigger chest or you are taller than Levi, but honestly I don't give a fuck.

Nobody cares; I don't care.

You guys need to stop.



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