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Your p.o.v

You waited.

Hours among hours, you waited in the lobby, leaning against the hospital chair to hold up your head so you could catch some sleep, but your eyes wouldn't let you as worries plagued your mind.

The sound of the automated doors opening and closing made the room seem more lively along with the television droning in the background. Sometimes, the commercial would pop up for the sperm bank.

You had written down the number for your use, but a guilty feeling throbbed inside of you. You didn't know who to talk to at this moment, and didn't know who to call.

Eren's parents had turned a blind eye to Eren after he came out to them. They talked on the phone, rarely- it was more of an occasional thing. You took out your phone and began tapping on the screen, hovering over their contact, contemplating on calling them.

But for what? For them to yell at him and scold him for even using drugs? They hadn't seen each other face to face in forever, and you didn't want their reunion in a hospital. Hell- you didn't even know if Eren was going to make it or not.

You removed your thumb from the screen and placed the phone back into your pocket, waiting to hear news on Eren's surgery.

It felt like each minute was an hour and each hour was a day. It was nighttime, eleven o'clock to be precise. You had gotten up a couple of times to snag some coffee, but it seemed to make you more drowsy than you needed to be.

As you were watching people holding balloons walk by, one of the nurses walked into the lobby, looking around and then looked at the clipboard.

"Eren Jaegar's party." She scanned the room, looking for you. You jumped up, yelling I'm here over and over again, making your way over to the nurse. She held a solemn face as she guided you the the back of the hospital.

"You're lucky your friend is alive, after all, he could have died if the heroin was in his veins for much longer." The nurse informed you, casually moving out of the way when patients passed by.

You gulped, hearing those words made your heart pang. You had almost lost your best friend, for what? All because of a desire to have a baby that's why. It killed you just thinking about him not being in your life.

You stopped at the room 104, looking at the nurse before stepping in. Eren was in a drowsy state, his turquoise eyes looked at your frame as you made your way to his bedside.

"Hey (F/n), how's it go-." You cut him off, smacking him across the cheek, making his eyes widen in shock. You were beyond furious with him.

"You want to try to rephrase that, like how about you start at the beginning of when you started doing drugs!" You whispered/yelled, glaring at him with rage painted on your face.

Eren cowered slightly before taking a deep breath and looking away. You grabbed a chair that was in the corner of the room and dragged it across the floor over to Eren's side.

You sat down and leaned back against the chair, crossing your arms and starting at Eren intently. Eren twiddled his thumbs and sighed, there was no point hiding it anymore.

"I started in college. It was basically popping pills, none of the harmless stuff. When I got with Armin, I stopped because he told me the side effects and how it was going to hurt me. I stopped for him. After I cheated on him and he left me, I started doing the heavy stuff, smoking, drinking and doing the worst drugs possible. I was basically in a bad place."

You looked at him, eyes showing so many emotions as you watched your best friend begin to break down, crying and sobbing softly right in front of you.

"It's okay Eren."You scooted part to him, letting his head droop onto your shoulder, crying loudly and clutching onto your body. You patted his head and laid your head on his.

"I love him!"He began to bawl, tears dripping on your shirt. You did your best not to cry, but you couldn't help but let out a couple of tears.

"It's okay Eren, I'm here."

Levi's p.o.v

Levi now spent his hours in the office alone. Petra had left a couple of hours ago to meet up with a couple of friends at a club. She had offered him to go, but Levi declined harshly, mind still no in the world around him.

He tried looking up online things that could help him make easy money, but the jobs offered were either too low in wages, or too filthy for his liking. He had completely ran out of ideas.

He tried concentrating on his paperwork for the company, but couldn't find the enthusiasm to do so. With eyes beginning to close, he laid his head on the desk and began to dose off, only to be awaken by Hanji and Erwin busting through the doors.

"Eureka, I've struck gold!"Hanji belted as she made her way over to Levi's deal with a huge grin plastered on her face. A document was in her hand as she sat on his desk, waving it nonchalantly in from of his face.

"For you, my good sir."She said in a British accent, teasing Levi as he went to go grab the paper. Levi snatched the document from Hanji, reading it over while Erwin made his way over.

Levi looked at the document with a bewildered look on his face, taking glances between Hanji and Erwin and then back at the document. He set the document down on the desk and clasped his hands together.

"You've got to be fucking joking."


Okay I've finally gotten into the swing of things with my story.

I'm not discontinuing it.

The story is a little bit boring in the beginning but it soon will be picking up on its twist and turns of the plot, the good ole Katelynn spin on things.

You might cry, you might laugh. You might scream, you might die inside.

It all depends.

Btw, there might be NSFW in this story like lemons or other content that is ( Not suitable for work ).

There will be harsh language, tears and laughs.

How's the story?


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