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I'm going to be descriptive during the next chapter, and all of the chapters after that. If you leave a negative comment about how disgusting that is or whatever, I'll report you for spam, delete your comment and message you personally.

I'm tired of people not acting mature. This is a mature story marked mature content.

Grow the fuck up.

Your p.o.v

You didn't know what to tell him.

Armin worked down at the gynecologist office downtown along with doing full part time work at the clinic.

Eren of course had gone into rehab due to his addiction and unstability, and since Eren and Armin had broken up due to those reasons, Armin was left blindsided.

Currently you were at home, fiddling with your scarf as you put on your boots. It was starting to get a colder chill outside signaling that winter was approaching rapidly.

Your appointment for the gynecologist was in less than an hour, meaning that you had to start on your merry way. Although, the thought of speaking to Armin face to face again without telling him about what happened to Eren ate your insides up.

Checking the time once again, you stood by the door, grabbing everything you needed before opening the front door and closing it behind you.

Fumbling with the keys due to nervousness, you had trouble locking your front door until you finally pushed the nerve racking thoughts aside for one moment, successfully locking the door.

You sighed, running your fingers through your hair and walked down the hallway that lead to the elevator. You pressed the button and moved to the side, making way for the elderly couple who made their way out.

You entered the elevator, pressing the main floor button and moved yourself to the elevator's corner. Tapping your foot, you felt the elevator start to move and soon, you were at the bottom floor.

Exiting the elevator, throwing the flirting couple in the main lobby, ' Marco and Jean', a hello as you passed by them. Soon as you stepped out of the building, a blast of cold air hit your face.

Chills went up your spine as you walked to the right, meeting with a crowd of strangers walking on the sidewalk making their way to their jobs.

Today you had requested an off day since you've been working hard. Your job complied, giving you the day that fit best. Today you were going to get things done, and by that, it was basically all for your future child.

Walking on the right side of the sidewalk, you avoided people who were either walking too slow or were texting on their phones. You walked past a familiar landmark that you would stop at everyday.

The kiosk where Eren used to work..

Tears brimmed your eyes as you thought about your best friend in rehab all by himself. You missed him so much but you knew it was for the better. He was after all getting the help that he needed.

You continued to walk, turning the corner to get to the bus stop. You hustled as you saw the bus come to view. Waiting at the bus stop, you walked up the steps, inserting change, and then finding a seat on the bus.

You sat down, getting comfortable for the 30 minute ride to the gynecologist. As soon as everyone got comfortable, the bus began to move making everyone shift slightly in their seat.

Everyone quickly adjusted, shifting back in their original places. You hadn't noticed the toddler who was bouncing on its mothers lap right beside you. You beamed and turned in your seat, discretely making funny faces at the toddler.

The mother noticed right away and smiled at the scene. " You have any kids?" She spoke in a warm voice. You shook your head, still having a smile on your face.

" I'm planning on having kids soon. Hopefully I'll get my wish." You softly said so you didn't disturb the other passengers on the bus. She nodded, her gaze moving to your ring finger on your left hand.

She lips pursed when she noticed there wasn't a ring on your finger. She flashed a smile before turning in her seat, averting the toddlers attention to her. Your smile faded as the actions continued so you faced the window for the rest of the ride.

The bus finally stopped at the station where the gynecologist building was located. You were the only one that stood up and got off of the bus. You didn't even bother to say goodbye to the mother that now stopped playing with her baby when you stood up.

The bus doors closed behind you, making a screeching noise. The bus drove away to its next stop, leaving you facing the bench that was perched at the stop.

You walked on the sidewalk for a good minute or so until you reached the business. Pregnant women were gathered everywhere making you softly chuckle to yourself. It was like a cult of them.

You made your way inside the comfortable building, making sure to hold open the door for the women leaving. You made your way to the front desk.

" I have an appointment at 12:00pm for (L/n)." You handed her your I.D and your insurance card. She checked over it and nodded, pointing you to go through the door that was to the right.

You nodded, collecting your information, putting it back in your purse. You bid her a good day and made your way to the door.

You understood why your heart was beating rapidly. Not out of nervousness for the experience of the gynecologist but because you were about to face your best friends ex boyfriend, who by the way loved dearly but couldn't express it.

Pink colors flooded the hallway along with diagrams of the inside of the womb. You shuttered slightly when you looked at the pictures of the pregnant women clutching their bellies with a almost demonic smile on their faces.

You turned a corner, approaching the examination room where Armin was located. You knocked on the door, hearing a faint ' come in'. Your hands instantly turned clammy as you turned the door knob.

Armin was reading over a file while typing information into a computer. You gave a soft smile to him, closing the door behind you.

Armin looked up and immediately beamed a smile. He rapidly jumped out of his chair and shuffled over to you, bringing you into a tight hug.

"Armin if I was pregnant right now you could've crushed the baby." You joked as you hugged him back. He released you saying sorry over and over again.

You waved a hand, dismissing him, which he realized that you were playing around. He sighed and made his way to the back of his desk, sitting down in his office chair.

"Enough of playing around, let's get down to business."

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