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Your p.o.v

There is always something about the public bus. The atmosphere changes; reality changes.

You sat alone in the back, observing the life fluctuating around you. Everyone had their own lives, their own stories, their own mindset. You didn't know anything about anyone on that bus, and yet, that made it all the better.

You watched a waitress coming off her shift sitting in a seat all by herself, typing on her phone as she ignored everyone in that bus.

You watched an old man clutching flowers for someone, who you assumed, the old man loved. He was going home to someone, and you, nobody.

Your eyes drifted over to a middle aged woman tending to her toddler. The scene unfolded as the woman clutched the kid close to her side in the seats. His little head nestled against her side as he drifted off to sleep.

You never really experienced affection that often. After being countlessly rejected by men, not having an affectionate family, not being able to experience love, children held a special place for you.

The way children acted towards their parents in the beginning, you loved the connection between child and mother. That loving bond was something you craved, and what better option then to have a child of your own, no strings attached.

The bus pulled up to your stop, eagerly stoping causing you to stumble as you arose from your seat. Your eyes scanned the walkway, eyes drifting towards the inhabitants of the bus.

You might never see these people again, and that made you wonder how often you took your own life for granted. You had always sacrificed for others and you were actually going out of your way to do something for yourself.

You were going to create life to ring into this world, out of love; not hate. You were going to love this non existent child more than you could love anything else  and that made you nothing but happy.

Your thoughts clouded your consciousness as you found yourself absentmindedly in front of your apartment door without remembering the journey from the bus stop.

You fumbled with the door to your apartment, keys jingling, you opened the hesitant door. Walking inside, you threw the keys on the counter while shutting the door. Locking it behind you, you found yourself becoming suspicious of the television's sound mumbling itself through the atmosphere of the apartment.


You found yourself sneaking around the corner to reveal a familiar face.

" How did you get into my apartment?!" You shrieked as you ran into Eren's arms, embracing him into a hug.

" You gave me a spare, remember?" His embrace was filed with warmth, his skin looking clearer and healthier than the last time you visited him.

" I didn't know they released you so early, I was afraid I'd never see you again." You joked as you both untangled from your hug, migrating towards the couch.

" I'm doing a lot better. They gave me resources like counseling and acupuncture and loads of other stuff. I realized who I truly am after coming out of that spiral. I'm sorry I hurt you and I didn't mean what I said about it being unnatural. I'm just worried about you."

You gave him a softened smile, nodding your head in understanding.

" I'm just worried about you getting hurt and realizing you could have had a life with a significant other. Or you know, I wouldn't want the dad barging into your life demanding to see your offspring!" He joked, his eyes twinkling in mischief.

You let out a chuckle, shaking your head at that outrageous statement.

" You need to chill out. I'll be fine. It will just be me and my baby." You leaned into the couch, cuddling yourself into a more comfortable position to face Eren.

" I know. I just want to be there for the both of you when it happens. I just want you to know that you won't be doing this alone. I'll always be here for you." Eren smiled, feeling a tad emotional from his statement.

You curled up close to him as you embraced into a hug again. You both started catching up, listening to his crazy rehab stories and how he found himself.

You told him about Armin and how he asked about Eren, which made Eren tense up. You wanted the both of them to get back together because you knew it was meant to be. They needed each other in their lives.

"(F/n), I'm gonna crash on your coach alright? I need to go apartment hunting so I can find a better environment for a blossoming gay man." 

You both exchanged giggles before exchanging good nights to one another. You retreated back into your bedroom and changed out of your clothes and into a tank top and shorts.

Hopping into bed, you rolled over and recollected in the events that took place today. You went to the gynecologist which is a step in the right direction towards to happy future, you bumped into a celebrity which was embarrassing and infuriating, and your best friend is out of rehab and back into your life.

Life is crazy.

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