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Your p.o.v

It's a new day. Today was the day.

You arrived at Rose's Sperm Bank to look at prospective males for your future child. By doing this, you were technically making the perfect child. You would focus on features like hair color, medical background, parental background like if they were athletic, smart, mentally sound, etc.

Eren had decided to come along too. He announced he was the king at picking out men from a description. The sheets of paper that were given to you only contained a description of the man and all the information you needed except a name and a photo.

" What if my kid comes out looking ugly." You grimaced as you sifted though the stack of files. Currently, you were in a room of the sperm bank where you were guided to look at said files. Each file had a number on it, basically a barcode. The barcode would match up to the sperm hidden away in a vault.

Then the magic begins.

" (f/n), it's not the matter of what if. That baby is definitely coming out ugly." Eren joked. You bit your bottom lip anxiously as you pulled out more files from the stack.

" Shut it."

Eren chuckled as he took some of the files from the stack. His eyes scanned a couple of files until he stopped on one that caught his eye.

" Middle aged man, steel blue eyes, dark hair, he's kind of short, he's smart. He's a business owner and graduated from an Ivy League school. No medical problems, he's a healthy man. Take a look."

Eren pushes the file closer to you. Your eyes skimmed the page. He seemed practically perfect to you. Your hand lightly traced around the Manila folder. It was definitely a big decision.

" What if I'm not ready?" You sank back into your seat. You began to doubt yourself more and more now that you've started to ponder on the situation.

Once you do it, you can back out.

" (f/n), you're going to be a hell of a mother. You deserve to be a mom. You're going to be better than your own, and you're going to prove that to everyone." Eren declared.

Eren's eyes flashed in amusement as he scanned the file in his hands. " He sounds hot" Eren handed the file over and chuckled, earning a smack from you.

"I agree with you, and I think we found a match. This man sounds like he's genetically pleasing. My baby wouldn't contract any deficits and will be healthy. That's what I need right now, an easy life." You told Eren.

Eren nodded in agreement. Both you and Eren got arose out of the chair and stepped out of the sperm bank's conference room. You and Eren walked over to the consultant's door and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A sweet and delicate voice called you in. You and Eren opened the door and was gestured by the small blonde to sit in the two chairs in front of the desk. The name plate read Krista Lenz.

"Thank you Dr. Lenz for helping me with my big decision. I'm so grateful to have people in my life that support me." You greeted her. She was a very sweet person to you and wasn't judgemental of your decision.

" It's not a problem! I'm here to support you on your journey to parenthood. I'm not here to judge you, I'm here to guide you to happiness. Have you picked a donor yet!?" Dr. Lenz smiled at you. She was a literal angel to you.

You giggled and passed the file to her, she instantly opened the file and read over the information. " I'll hand the file over the nurse. I hope everything goes well with the impregnation!"

You and Eren both shook her hand and got out of the seat. " Thank you so much for your help." You thanked Dr.Lenz once again and exited the room.

A nurse was waiting by the door when you opened it. Dr. Lenz handed the file to the tall brunette. "Please take her to the prep room and then gather the specimen" Dr. Lenz told the nurse.

"Anything for you Dr. Lenz" The brunette winked at her and guided you to a room. The three of you stopped at the door.

"I'm sorry sir but this is as far as you can go. The room is very small and that's where the procedure is going to take place." She told Eren. Eren looked down at you and you nodded.

" I'll be fine. I promise. It won't take long." You assured Eren.

And with that, you and the nurse walked into the room. With one last wave, you nodded Eren a goodbye.

" You're going to do great (f/n)! Make those babies!" You heard Eren scream before the nurse shut the door hard.

The nurse whose name tag read Ymir helped you into your gown and helped prep you for the exam. Going through all the cleaning and prepping made you nervous and anxious in an exciting way.

After the prepping was done, nurse Ymir called in the doctor and was handed the specimen.

" Ah Ms. (l/n), It's great to meet you. I'm Dr. Reiner and I will be doing the procedure for you today." You shook his hand.

" You are going to be put under with a sedative so everything can go smoothly. I'll explain the procedure to you once again. I'm going to take some of your eggs and remove them from your body so I can manually fertilize them with the sperm. Once we find an egg that fertilizes and starts to develop, we will surgically implant it into your womb. Do you understand?"

" I understand." You beamed him a smile.

" Alright then. Nurse, please administer the sedative." Dr. Reiner said. The nurse grabbed an IV and placed it into your vein. The pain stung slightly and even slightly more when the medicine made contact with your vein.

"Sleep tight." You heard the nurse say faintly before your vision went completely black, a faint smile appearing on your face as you blacked out.

Finally, I'm going to be a mom.

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