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Your p.o.v

"Eren, get up." You growled as you watched him cross his arms in the hospital bed. He looked away, avoiding the looks of both his parents and you. They had showed up a couple of days later after the incident.

"It's for your own good so stop acting like a child." Carla barked out, tone laced with disappointment for her son. Grisha just stayed solemn, watching his son pout in the bed.

Recently, Eren's parents had decided to enroll Eren into a rehab center in order for him to recover. Eren protested against it of course, but it was the only way. He had begged you to stop them, but it had to be done.

Eren's parents had asked if he could stay with you, but you told them no as you were going through with the pregnancy idea. You didn't tell them the reason so they didn't react all that happy.

Today was the day Eren was going to be released. The police had already discarded all of the drugs, and had told Eren the only way he wouldn't be charged for this was to seek help immediately.

"Take me to jail dammit! I don't mind if I drop the soap, I'm a gay man for god sakes!" Eren yelled, making his father rub his temples and sigh. Eren sunk back into the bed, looking at you.

"So, are you still going through with it?" He said in a soft tone. You nodded, giving a small smile in return. Eren smiled too and sat up.

"Fine. Let's go it, I'm ready to go." Eren sighed in defeat as his parents helped him out of the bed. The nurses handed him a set of clothes for him to change into. He left to go to the bathroom, leaving you and his parents alone.

"So (F/n), have you found the one yet?" Carla said in a crisp tone. You gulped and shook your head, eyes looking at the hospital tile.

"No. And I'm planning on not doing it anymore." You replied, looking at Carl's face.

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