prologue : ashamed

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" Hey pretty stranger, I think you look cute.
Can I get your number? I wanna know you. "
— your text, sundial

A PINK SHORT-HAIRED girl opened the sliding door of the economic club's making a certain (h/c)-haired girl stop sewing and stared dead founded at the door.

A rather empty and quiet room with only one person early in the morning.

The same pink-haired girl stomped her way to the seamstress and grabbed its shoulder while beaming as if she saw something cool.

" Y/n...!! " The pink-haired called out while the (h/c)-haired, Y/n, chuckled at her best friend's energy.

" What is it, Ami? " Y/n asked while pinching the cheeks of the pink-head, Ami. " You should have come in more calmly. "



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" I'm sowwy. " Ami said uncleared while Y/n nodded and removed her hands from her cheeks.

" You're working on new clothes? " Ami asked while seating on the near chair to Y/n.

" Yes, they said it will be used again for a model in the Freedom Company. " Y/n chirped. " Tho rather, I should say that the person I always create clothes for...I never met them.

" Oh, that's such a bummer. " Ami grumbled.

" Well, I don't care less about it only if they pay me mora then I won't worry about it too much. " Y/n said while looking at the clothes.

" I bet they're drop-dead gorgeous. " Ami said. " Oh! Speaking of drop-dead gorgeous, there is a new student down the halls who's so pretty. "

" Mhm, is it a girl? " Y/n asked while standing up and exiting the door while Ami followed her from behind.

" Nah, he's a pretty boy. " Ami replied. 

" Dang, I need to see him. " Y/n said while grabbing her friend's hand and dragging her with her.

L/n Y/n, a loyal seamstress for a model that she didn't even know what he looks like but all of his clothes are made by her.

The same girl likes pretty boys like how she likes fictional characters, especially if they have long hair.

Y/n blinked in the crowd that made her push herself forward with her friend, Ami.

Y/n eyes sparkled, and her mouth drop agape making her friend close her mouth and giggled.

" He's pretty, even in our uniform. " Y/n gasped while staring at the new boy who has choppy, medium-length hair, some of it tied in an off-centered ponytail to his right.

shameless ; kazuha kaedehara [✓]Where stories live. Discover now