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" And I want you, we can bring it on the floor

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" And I want you, we can bring it on the floor.
You've never danced like this before, we don't talk about it
. "
— stolen dance, milky chance

VENTI'S MOUTH CLOSED then open all over the time not finding the right words.

" So you guys are? " Jean asked.

" Yes, we are now in a relationship. " Y/n replied while pointing behind her was Kazuha hiding.

" I am happy for you then! " Amber said grabbing her hands and making Y/n smile.

Y/n finally got to tell them about their relationship after 1 week had passed, turns out the rumors spreading became true as they wanted. 

" Are you planning on telling Kazuha about that now? " Venti asked.

" Tell me what? " Kazuha asked while hugging Y/n like a koala and resting his chin on her shoulder.

" I'll tell you about it later, Kazu. " Y/n replied while shuffling his hair.

" Ah, by the way, don't worry about doing affection in the public. " Lisa said, who is the school librarian yet still a member of the Freedom Company.

" Yes, Kaedehara Kazuha is in the Freedom Company. If you are a member you can do anything because you are free. We don't hold any rules, unlike the other 2 companies. " Venti explained cheerfully. 

" But don't forget work, Kazuhaaa. " Kaeya said while waving making Kazuha chuckle.

" I will. " Kazuha replied.

" Alright, thank you, everyone. " Y/n said while bowing down. 

Kazuha did the same as both of them stepped outside the streets, they walked holding hands on the side streets while looking at the sky.

" Anyways about the thing Venti mentioned. " Y/n said. " Ever remember the incident before? "

Kazuha nodded reminding him of that girl who was obsessed with him but he never got a chance to ask Y/n what they talked about. 

Y/n and Kazuha proceed to sit down to talk about it, Y/n grabbed Kazuha's hand and trailed her finger around his palm.

" There was this boy from the Eternity Company before, a model who I make clothes for before you. " Y/n paused and smiled at Kazuha.

" He's indeed a popular model yet, he keeps his identity private. " Y/n continued. 

" I am close to him, like really that's why I made him go instead to Freedom Company instead of the Eternity Company. The Eternity Company sucks, they have sooo many rules. " Y/n said making Kazuha chuckle.

" He accepted it even tho it was hard because he has some friends there. Then we started walking going to classes together, I do food for him every break of his modeling and, we go to our favorite spot every time his work is done. " Y/n said cheerfully.

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