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" Do you mind if I steal a kiss?A little souvenir, can I steal it from you?To memorize the way you shock me

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" Do you mind if I steal a kiss?
A little souvenir, can I steal it from you?
To memorize the way you shock me.
— feels, calvin harris

Y/N WAS NOW standing outside the tavern well, Kazuha still hugging her, he was like a koala hugging a tree.

Y/n sighed longly before saying, " Kazuha, let's go home. Here grab my hand and stop hugging me. "

Surprisingly, Kazuha obeyed her which made her quickly drag him to the apartment to get it done.

Half-zoned, Y/n opened Kazuha's apartment and lay him in bed for he fell asleep in the middle of waiting at the elevator.

As Y/n give him a quick glance for once, her eyes fluttered away from him and were about to turn the lamp off. 

Kazuha suddenly grabbed his wrist and called out, " Y/n, is that you? "

Y/n shut her mouth before replying, " Yes. "

" Are you really going to leave me alone for now? " Kazuha asked, who was surely drunk.

"...Yes. " Y/n said.

" Then can you give me one favor? " Kazuha asked.

" Okay. " Y/n replied shortly.

" Can you lay down next to me for a short time? " Kazuha asked that Y/n just nodded. 

She would do anything Kazuha wants for a while he won't remember it anyway and especially if it's the last thing she will do with him.

Kazuha wrapped his arms around the girl and hid his face in her head. Waves of warmth traveled throughout Y/n's chest, her heart rapidly beating against his ribcage.

Y/n's cheeks were dabbed with a shade of roseate and could feel her face warmth as his sudden affection.

' Was it because he's drunk?  ' Y/n thought while covering her warm face with the back of her hand.   

Her feelings were like bubbling out of her with one poke it will burst any minute, no, it'll be any second. 

Y/n was about to pull away and stood up Kazuha grabbed her wrist and pulled her on the bed again as Kazuha hovered above Y/n and kabedoned her on the bed. 

" Can I....go now...? " Y/n asked beneath her breath looking away from Kazuha because of the smell of the alcohol.

" Say, do you mind if I steal a kiss? " Kazuha suddenly asked literally ignoring Y/n's question.

Much to Y/n's surprise at the question, her brain was unable to comprehend that sentence.

Before Y/n could react or say something, Kazuha did steal a kiss. 

He kissed Y/n passionately as if there is no tomorrow, Y/n even liked and she scolded herself for it.

' He's drunk, there are no feelings here. ' Y/n thought.

Yet Y/n can't still believe in being tricked for she feels there's something behind it.

As Kazuha pulled away, the duo caught their breath both had flushing faces.

" Kazuh- " Y/n got cut by another kiss, but this one was rather softly yet deep, making Y/n melt in his arms.

Despite how much she wanted to push him away because this was wrong, she can't. 

Kazuha's mouth was really fitted to hers, it was like a puzzle missing a piece that was found. 

Thus, it made Y/n weaker for it made him look hotter with messy hair. 

Kazuha tugged at Y/n's bottom lip as Y/n parted her lips. Then, he took the chance to slip his tongue inside her mouth, gently swirling against hers. 

Moments passed, and Y/n seemed to be like addicted to a drug called Kaedehara Kazuha.

Y/n clutched to his uniform as Kazuha pulled away and rested his head on the girl's neck.

Y/n caught her breath, the warmth was radiating to the two persons. She can't process anything anymore as if she got drunk on Kazuha's sweet kisses.

" You smell like strawberries, Y/n. " Kazuha said in a husky voice while opening her jacket's zipper a bit.

" You're drunk, Kazuha. Ah! " Y/n suddenly covered her mouth as a moan escaped her mouth for Kazuha started biting and licking her neck. 

He began to leave marks on her neck and shoulders that made Y/n's whimper muffled in her hands.

Y/n's other hand traced into Kazuha's long and messy hair before clutching into it for the pleasure he is giving. 

As he pulled away from her neck, Kazuha removed her hand from her mouth and left small kisses on her face before kissing her again on the lips.

His hand intertwined with hers, as their lips intertwined themselves too. 

As Kazuha pulled away from the last time he fell above Y/n and soft snores could be heard that made Y/n feel both disappointed and relieved.

She placed him on his bed while softly tugged him inside his blanket before exiting his room. 

As Y/n closed the door, she slid down and rested her back on the door and covering her face embarrassed. 

" What the fuck just happened? " Y/n asked herself as the neck bites began to sting. 

Y/n was too weak to stand up but she did, walking fast to the elevator before locking Kazuha's door hoping no people can see her that messy.

Thank god, she was safely not seen before entering her apartment and looking at her mirror.

" ASLJALWDJ I NEED TO DIE RIGHT NOW. " Y/n said to herself while trailing her finger on the love bites on her neck and shoulder.

The action slightly shook her, yet, she wouldn't refuse it if it were to happen again.

" I mean...I realized I like him but did he do that because he was drunk or...he like me too? " Y/n mumbled to herself.

" We literally make-out... " Y/n grumbled while blushing madly and walking around her apartment. " And school is coming how will I face him or how will I hide these. "

Embarrassment and thoughts began to overwhelm her, like why did he let him do that?

" Damn it, Y/n. " Y/n cursed while banging her head on the wall.

" Let's pretend nothing happe- oh damn it how could I pretend? " Y/n said while internally crying.

" He was drunk. He was drunk. He was drunk. " Y/n repeatedly say and sighed. 

" Damn, I wish it never ended- I mean happened. " Y/n mumbled while changing her clothes into new ones. 

With that, Y/n never got to sleep a blink that night because of overthinking and that event playing in her mind over and over again.


【 08 / 03 / 22 】

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【 08 / 03 / 22 】

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