engulfing hugs

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"  'Cause you know, that you'll never really know even though I can feel it in my soul

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'Cause you know, that you'll never really know even
though I can feel it in my soul. But you never know why.
— lost in you, khai dreams

Y/N SMILED WIDELY as the elevator opened, seeing Kazuha with a bag of food. 

Ever since that accident, he began to bring food with him every time she was with Y/n so she wouldn't faint like before.

He also started calling or texting the girl only reminding her to sleep already. 

Y/n realized that he was indeed worried about her condition which made her feel happy.

" The introduction of the participants is later, right? " Y/n asked while munching on a bread made by Kazuha.

" Yes, 2 hours left. " Kazuha replied.

" Thanks for the food. " Y/n said while engulfing Kazuha in a hug, hiding her face on his chest while enjoying the warmth.

Kazuha still not familiar with this habit was still embarrassed and hugged her back while hiding his face at the top of her head.

" Ah, we should keep going now. " Y/n said cheerfully while pulling away from the hug and grabbing Kazuha's hand and dragging him with her.

' I missed that routine hugs... ' Y/n thought sadly.

Y/n suddenly let go of Kazuha's hand and began to run to a person familiar to her.

" Ah? Y/n!? " Kazuha called out.

Y/n stopped when she saw the person and it wasn't anyone she knew that made her apologize.

" Y/n, are you al-? "

Kazuha was about to ask the girl but some people began to talk.

" What happened? "

" Someone got in a car accident. "

" ...Car accident... " Y/n mumbled while her older brother's smiling face flashed on her head.

" Y/n, are you alright? Why are you crying? " Kazuha asked with both confusion and panic.

" Heh? Crying...? " Y/n asked while feeling her fingers in her cheeks wet by tears.

Y/n's mouth quivered and she shivered which make her launch to Kazuha hugging him according to her habit with her brother.

Y/n sobbed while tightening her hug, Kazuha confused hugged her back and patted the girl for comfort.

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Y/n seating at a chair next to Kazuha covered her face in embarrassment.

" I am sorry crying out of nowhere. It's so embarrassing... " Y/n said while playing with the hem of Kazuha's sweater sleeves.

shameless ; kazuha kaedehara [✓]Where stories live. Discover now